Mansfield welcomes OFT report  (14/4/2004)

Licensing chiefs have had their policies endorsed by the OFT, says Mansfield District Council.

The Office of Fair Trading's taxi and PHV study has backed the licensing policies of Mansfield District Council, who described the competition watchdog's investigation as a 'comprehensive review' of taxi licensing.

Mansfield licensing chiefs welcomed the OFT findings, which highlighted that almost half of local authorities in England and Wales restricted taxi numbers.  Numerical controls on taxis were removed in Mansfield three years ago, raising numbers from 44 to 70, and the council hopes that more cabs will now be available to residents at peak times.  However, strict quality controls on vehicles are still enforced.

Licensing chairman Councillor Andre Camilleri commented: "We welcome the OFT report, which endorses the council's current licensing policies."

But the council recognises that the boom in Mansfield's evening economy meant that people leaving pubs and nightclubs still faced a shortage of taxis at peak times, and Councillor Camilleri has called a summit of the licensed trade, police and taxi operators to find a solution to this problem.

Councillor Camilleri said: "Whilst our approach has seen the number of taxi licenses increase, we are painfully aware that there is still not enough vehicles and other public transport out working to meet the demand for taxis at peak periods - especially when pubs and clubs are closing.  This can lead to serious problems of public disorder with so many people all wanting taxis at the same time.  I understand the difficult position of the taxi operators and drivers and I hope that as a result of forthcoming discussions involving them, the Council and other stakeholders we can find a lasting solution to this problem."

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