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Here we go again !!!!
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Author:  Dusty Bin [ Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anonymous wrote:
it wasnt that long ago that a member on here was rebuked by you for as you put it at the time guessing identities. then you do the same. just remember you post as anon.

give someone a bit of authority and it goes right to thier heads

I do think that if you want couteseys you should set an example, you also accuse people of being repetative, yes they are and you answer every one repetetively,

Well if it's the same old points then it can only be the same old answers, surely?

As for 'couteseys' then if you demonstrated any yourself, then you might be in a better position to lecture people on them.

You're being incredibly naive about this anonymity business - do you really expect to be able to post dozens of messages under as a guest, but all obviously written by the same person, and then expect anyone reading them to compartmentalize them into dozens of different and unassociated identities?

You just seem to be using doing this to abuse and belittle other posters and then make out that you're the injured party when it's pointed out that your posts are made by the same person.

If there was any reason for your posts to remain anon then they would, but I can't see any, and neither can anyone else, can you?

If you don't like it then you know what to do.


Author:  Dusty Bin [ Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Anonymous wrote:
and the discussion on Brighton Station and the length over what turned out to be a very petty issue, is just one where quite frankly I wonder, in the beggining Tand G WERE BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER AND THEY FINISHED WINNING THE DEBATE HANDS DOWN.

I still cannot believe they managed to do that Dusty you were petty in thier hands.

Yes, they won the debate so resoundingly that the Brighton station issue will be splattered all over the next CTN!! I don't think so!!

Yes, you're right, 'free and open access' is a very petty (putty?) issue for the TGWU, it's only been splattered over CTN for a year at least!!!

Give Peter Kavanagh a phone if you don't believe me, and ask him how Brighton accords with T&G principles.


Author:  Guest [ Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Dusty Bin wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
and the discussion on Brighton Station and the length over what turned out to be a very petty issue, is just one where quite frankly I wonder, in the beggining Tand G WERE BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER AND THEY FINISHED WINNING THE DEBATE HANDS DOWN.

I still cannot believe they managed to do that Dusty you were petty in thier hands.

Yes, they won the debate so resoundingly that the Brighton station issue will be splattered all over the next CTN!! I don't think so!!

Yes, you're right, 'free and open access' is a very petty (putty?) issue for the TGWU, it's only been splattered over CTN for a year at least!!!

Give Peter Kavanagh a phone if you don't believe me, and ask him how Brighton accords with T&G principles.


got his number?

Author:  Dusty Bin [ Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not offhand, but it shouldn't be difficult to get a number for the T&G - there's a number in CTN, or try directory enquiries (or whatever it's called these days!).


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