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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:12 am 
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“Independence” so what we are waiting on is, Salmond's benevolent elected dictatorship, looking after our interests.

Is this what Dougie, Fairplay and Stationtone really believe?

It's a complete fantasy. #-o

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:06 am 

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Private Reggie wrote:
Your question is at the moment a hypothetical question !!! Unless the existence of a crystal ball really does exist.

Skull your voice in this country you call Great Britain is one in sixty million, in an independent Scotland your voice could be one in 5 million, giving you a better chance of being listened to.

What kind of country do you want to live in, I could guess the year or century but will say your opinions date pre-80s !!!

You're clearly not getting it are you?

We're not talking independence here. With globalisation we will never ever be "independent". Which is why the so-called independence debate is 20th century wish politicis, with no place in the modern world.

But perhaps the most sickening thing is that you would give away a voice in 60million for a whisper in 300 million, and rising.

How stupid are you FFS?

Now pay attention dougie. I know it's difficult for you, but try anyway.

Having recognised that we can never be independent, this is where Skull's matrix kicks in.

Having created the Holyrood fascism, the so-called politicians are bent on securing their status in the new order. They exist to serve the system, because the system serves them. We are the controlled. Canon fodder for the system.

Your "independence" is an illusion. Your problem dougie is that Scots will be too bright to be taken in by Salmond's ruse.

Thank God for that.

This why even a casual observer will realise that Holyrood legislation is specifically geared to issues of control. They're not building freedom, they're eroding freedoms.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:01 am 
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SNP claim positivity winning as new survey shows support for independence growing steadily

By a Newsnet reporter

A new survey showing independence and the status quo now virtually neck and neck has been hailed by the SNP as evidence that their positive approach to campaigning is working.

The poll, carried out by Panelbase on behalf of the Sunday Times and Real Radio Scotland, asked respondents - Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?

It revealed support for independence now sitting at 47 per cent, only six points behind the status quo at 53 per cent.

The poll which surveyed 1,000 adults in Scotland between 27 January and 1 February also found that support for the SNP at a high of 50 per cent, one point better than an Ipsos MORI poll that put the nationalists on 49 per cent.

Compared to last year’s election, SNP support is up 5 points, and Labour are down 3 points. If a Scottish election was held today the SNP seats at Holyrood would increase from 69 to 71.

However the latest poll would see the Lib Dems almost wiped out in Scotland with the party slumping from their current 5 seats to only 3.

In terms of net satisfaction ratings, this is the first poll to ask about attitudes towards all Holyrood and Westminster leaders – and finds that Alex Salmond’s ratings are hugely positive, and he is the only leader north or south of the Border with a positive figure:

Alex Salmond: +17%
David Cameron: -43%
Ed Miliband: -41%
Nick Clegg: -54%
Johann Lamont: -18%
Ruth Davidson: -32%
Willie Rennie: -27%
Positive impact

The poll also finds that people are enthusiastic about the positive impact independence would have on Scotland’s national life.

More than twice as many people (42%) think that an independent Scotland would be good for the nation’s health than think it would be bad (17%); and they are also very positive about education (47% compared with 19%).

Seven times as many (64%) say independence would have a positive effect on Scottish culture than a negative effect (9%), and three times as many (59%) say it would be good for Scottish confidence rather than bad (19%).

Exactly half of Scots believe that independence would be positive for the environment while 15% think the opposite, and more than a quarter (27%) say it would cut crime while 17% think it could rise.

On the question of whether people think they would be at least £500 better off with independence, 72 per cent think they would be better off or it would make little difference (18% and 54% respectively), while only 28 per cent think they would be worse off.

When the three constitutional options are asked alongside each other, independence is the most popular:

Independence: 37%
Status quo: 33%
Devo-max: 30%
Scottish National Party Depute Leader and Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

“This is a fantastic poll for the SNP, for independence, and for Scotland. It confirms other recent surveys which also show that support for independence and the SNP is on a rising curve.

“After just the first few weeks of the referendum debate, it is abundantly clear that the positive approach towards Scotland’s future is winning over the negative approach from the anti-independence parties – with support for independence now neck-and-neck with opposition.

“Alex Salmond’s leadership ratings are superb – they are strongly positive, with double digit net approval, and all the other leaders both north and south of the Border have sharply negative ratings.

“The poll shows that the people of Scotland are extremely positive about our future as an independent nation – if there was never any doubt that the anti-independence parties are out of touch with the mood of Scotland, this poll proves it.

“With independence, Scotland would be the sixth-wealthiest country in the developed world in terms of GDP per head. We pay more into the UK exchequer than we get back in return. In the five years to 2009/10, Scotland was in a stronger financial position than the UK as a whole to the tune of £7.2 billion.”

The poll is the latest in a series of surveys to suggest support for independence now moving into a solid 40% plus base. It also confirms recent results showing a firm two thirds of Scots are unhappy with the status quo put forward by the three Unionist parties.

The results showing support for the SNP at Holyrood on the increase compared to last year’s historic Scottish election level will be worrying for the three Unionist opposition parties who have all elected new leaders since May's historic result.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:12 pm 
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edders23 wrote:
Why would Scotland become a Banana republic with the chinese desperate to gain control of Grangemouth refinery and no doubt an independant Scotland would be strongly courted by the US Scotland would be in a strong position to pick and choose whose pawn they become :p

Dont rely on the Chinese...they look upon us Scots as little more than a Panda Lodging house...

And as for the US..theyre still miffed we Sent that Megrahi guy back to Libya.

Scotlands fast becoming a dirty word in some parts of the world, God only knows where Eck and his Eckolites get the Idea that the world loves Scotland and will bend over backwards to make us an economic success. theres about as :roll: much chance of that happening as Subo posing nude in Playboy im afraid..

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:12 pm 
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Has anyone noticed how, Stationtone, completely avoided the Story of Your Enslavement video and The Matrix post? He can't even consider the possibility of his enslavement to the system.

So tell me, how many of you really believe that you live in a free country, where politicians are compelled to put your interests first, before that of big business and their own? :-|

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:23 pm 
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Skull wrote:
Has anyone noticed how, Stationtone, completely avoided the Story of Your Enslavement video and The Matrix post? He can't even consider the possibility of his enslavement to the system.

So tell me, how many of you really believe that you live in a free country, where politicians are compelled to put your interests first, before that of big business and their own? :-|

I think the net result of scots independence will be no change for the scots political class being in charge......and if those peeps in those videos are right....even they (the political class) aren't in charge, its the markets.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:31 pm 
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VOTE BRITAIN :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:20 pm 
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captain cab wrote:
Skull wrote:
Has anyone noticed how, Stationtone, completely avoided the Story of Your Enslavement video and The Matrix post? He can't even consider the possibility of his enslavement to the system.

So tell me, how many of you really believe that you live in a free country, where politicians are compelled to put your interests first, before that of big business and their own? :-|

I think the net result of scots independence will be no change for the scots political class being in charge......and if those peeps in those videos are right....even they (the political class) aren't in charge, its the markets.


I agree. However, the political class knows who and what serves their interests. Their job is simply to perpetuate the illusions of freedom and democracy while protecting the system against the people. :-| This is how we have a very small and powerful wealthy elite, running the whole show. :-|

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:25 pm 
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Skull wrote:

I agree. However, the political class knows who and what serves their interests. Their job is simply to perpetuate the illusions of freedom and democracy while protecting the system against the people. :-| This is how we have a very small powerful and wealthy elite, running the whole show. :-|

and the disproportionate wealth between the have's and have nots.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:27 pm 
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captain cab wrote:
Skull wrote:

I agree. However, the political class knows who and what serves their interests. Their job is simply to perpetuate the illusions of freedom and democracy while protecting the system against the people. :-| This is how we have a very small powerful and wealthy elite, running the whole show. :-|

and the disproportionate wealth between the have's and have nots.


You and I, are going to have to stop agreeing, it's starting to worry me. :lol:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:30 pm 
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Skull wrote:

You and I, are going to have to stop agreeing, it's starting to worry me. :lol:

I tend to agree, it's boring :lol:


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:32 pm 
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captain cab wrote:
Skull wrote:

I agree. However, the political class knows who and what serves their interests. Their job is simply to perpetuate the illusions of freedom and democracy while protecting the system against the people. :-| This is how we have a very small powerful and wealthy elite, running the whole show. :-|

and the disproportionate wealth between the have's and have nots.


Those wall street protesters are not wrong, when talking about the 1% of society owning the other 99%. :-| It's no accident. :-|

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:37 pm 
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Of course, "Independence" will change all the above, Scotland will be different. #-o

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:50 pm 
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Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:06 pm 
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Skull wrote:
“Independence” so what we are waiting on is, Salmond's benevolent elected dictatorship, looking after our interests.

If the choice is between Salmond's elected government and Cameron's imposed rule, I know which I'd choose.
Did anyone up here want Cameron or his party? (Apart from bloodnock that is?) They may have been elected, but not by us.

Skull wrote:
Has anyone noticed how, Stationtone, completely avoided the Story of Your Enslavement video and The Matrix post? He can't even consider the possibility of his enslavement to the system.

Your enslavement/ matrix theory is interesting, but I'm not sold on it yet.
But, assuming for the moment you're right.
What is the solution? What do you think we should do about it?

Skull wrote:
So tell me, how many of you really believe that you live in a free country, where politicians are compelled to put your interests first, before that of big business and their own? :-|

Not me.
I tend to go with whichever I think will do the most for me and mine, either by accident or design.
I don't imagine for a second that any of them have my best interests at heart.

Skull wrote:
I could be wrong, but perhaps Stationtone, and the likes, would care to explain how things are going to get better for your average Joe, under independence.

I just don't see it, but I am open to persuasion.

If you wanted to change things, it would surely be easier to do so in a smaller pond first. :wink:
5 million of your own people should, in theory, be easier to persuade than 60 million who look on you as a "sweaty" or 300 million who see you as just another little englander

Care to explain how the union is going to improve the lot of the average Joe in Scotland?


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