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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:09 pm 
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Jasbar wrote:
There is much wrong with the UK union. But it is OUR union. And, rather than Scots bleating on about being different, we should be celebrating the strength and respect our union brings, and working to even improve it.

I thought it was an invisible cage/ human farm? Instrument of our enslavement?
Surely working to improve it would benefit only the farmers/enslavers, not us livestock/ slaves?
Now is it our union which brings us respect and strength? :?

Jasbar wrote:
But perhaps the most sickening thing is that you would give away a voice in 60million for a whisper in 300 million, and rising.

An ignored voice among 60 million which doesn't even translate to a whisper, when carried second hand amongst 300 million :wink:
How is this preferable?


PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:16 pm 
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captain cab wrote:

Ah but this would all change under Independence. #-o Salmond and Co. will share out the wealth of Scotland with its people.

If the above was the case the super wealthy would have Salmond out of power so fast his head would spin.

You know, if this “Independence” bollo*ks wasn't so sad, it would be laughable. :roll: :roll: :roll: #-o

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:43 pm 
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gusmac wrote:
Jasbar wrote:
There is much wrong with the UK union. But it is OUR union. And, rather than Scots bleating on about being different, we should be celebrating the strength and respect our union brings, and working to even improve it.

I thought it was an invisible cage/ human farm? Instrument of our enslavement?
Surely working to improve it would benefit only the farmers/enslavers, not us livestock/ slaves?
Now is it our union which brings us respect and strength? :?

Jasbar wrote:
But perhaps the most sickening thing is that you would give away a voice in 60million for a whisper in 300 million, and rising.

An ignored voice among 60 million which doesn't even translate to a whisper, when carried second hand amongst 300 million :wink:
How is this preferable?

However, you want to cut it, gusmac, under the current system nothing can change. It's not in the interests of the political class to rock the boat of the super rich.

The Story of Your Enslavement and The Matix, is simply a portrayal of the reality of life for the vast majority.

I don't know how much you agree or disagree but painting your face or waving a flag won't change a thing.

The only chance the people of “Great Britain" have, is for the majority to wake-up. To the harsh reality, that freedom and Democracy, is a myth, then real change can happen. :-|

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:00 pm 
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Incidentally Gusmac, it is an “invisible cage/ human farm” and an instrument of our enslavement, of that I have no doubt. The Internet is the biggest threat to the balance of power and control this world has ever seen. The masses are beginning to wake-up, and that's why the Internet is under threat. The powerful are doing everything they can to bring it under control. :-|

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:47 pm 
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Skull wrote:
gusmac wrote:
Jasbar wrote:
There is much wrong with the UK union. But it is OUR union. And, rather than Scots bleating on about being different, we should be celebrating the strength and respect our union brings, and working to even improve it.

I thought it was an invisible cage/ human farm? Instrument of our enslavement?
Surely working to improve it would benefit only the farmers/enslavers, not us livestock/ slaves?
Now is it our union which brings us respect and strength? :?

Jasbar wrote:
But perhaps the most sickening thing is that you would give away a voice in 60million for a whisper in 300 million, and rising.

An ignored voice among 60 million which doesn't even translate to a whisper, when carried second hand amongst 300 million :wink:
How is this preferable?

However, you want to cut it, gusmac, under the current system nothing can change. It's not in the interests of the political class to rock the boat of the super rich.

The Story of Your Enslavement and The Matix, is simply a portrayal of the reality of life for the vast majority.

I don't know how much you agree or disagree but painting your face or waving a flag won't change a thing.

Interesting you chose not to reply to the post I addressed to you :?

No matter, people will draw their own conclusions from that.

gusmac wrote:
Your enslavement/ matrix theory is interesting, but I'm not sold on it yet.
But, assuming for the moment you're right.
What is the solution? What do you think we should do about it?

Do you have an answer Skull?
Because without one, you're just another doomsayer. ... ittle.html


PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:52 pm 
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skull wrote:
The only chance the people of “Great Britain" have, is for the majority to wake-up. To the harsh reality, that freedom and Democracy, is a myth, then real change can happen. :-|

And that isn't a chance available to the people of Scotland?
As I said earlier, wouldn't it be easier to convince 5 million of your fellow Scots, than 60 million Britons?


PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:53 pm 
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gusmac wrote:
skull wrote:
The only chance the people of “Great Britain" have, is for the majority to wake-up. To the harsh reality, that freedom and Democracy, is a myth, then real change can happen. :-|

And that isn't a chance available to the people of Scotland?
As I said earlier, wouldn't it be easier to convince 5 million of your fellow Scots, than 60 million Britons?

I simply missed your post Gusmac, but feel free to correct any of the following.

You did not choose your parents, your country, your culture, your religion, your school/education or the political system you appear to believe in. It was simply an accident of birth. The truth is, what you believe, was almost hardwired into your system from a very early age. So where did all this Scottish pride and FREEDOM come from, if not from your parents, your family, or your culture? That's right Gusmac you learned it, it was taught to you and programmed into your belief system through your social conditioning. The history of Scotland is just that, history, a narrative of past events that had nothing to do with you.

America, America, the land of the free and home of the brainwashed. Is this what you want for Scotland?

You can rest assured this is what King Salmond wants. And how does he get it, by appealing to your Scottish patriotism. It's a simple divide and conquer strategy. Salmond, is not taking anything away from the rich, to give to the poor, nor is it in his interests to give you, more freedom than anyone south of the border, because that would cost money, and you just might want more of the same.

The Matrix and The Story of Your Enslavement is about freeing your mind, not controlling it by creating even more division. Scottish, English, Irish, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, what separates us, is our inability to think for ourselves and that's exactly what leads us into being controlled by the super rich, and their whipping boys the political class. It's a club of individuals who know, who and what, serves their interests.

Democracy, Independence, Freedom you have got to be having a laugh, not unless people wake-up.

No one can force you to see what you don't want to see, but the truth is right under your nose. Under the present system, you are merely voting in another cabal. :-|

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:28 am 

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gusmac wrote:
Jasbar wrote:
There is much wrong with the UK union. But it is OUR union. And, rather than Scots bleating on about being different, we should be celebrating the strength and respect our union brings, and working to even improve it.

I thought it was an invisible cage/ human farm? Instrument of our enslavement?
Surely working to improve it would benefit only the farmers/enslavers, not us livestock/ slaves?
Now is it our union which brings us respect and strength? :?

Jasbar wrote:
But perhaps the most sickening thing is that you would give away a voice in 60million for a whisper in 300 million, and rising.

An ignored voice among 60 million which doesn't even translate to a whisper, when carried second hand amongst 300 million :wink:
How is this preferable?

The point is that the UK union has its flaws. But, as an instrument of control, it strikes me as being easier to influence than the 300 million population European Union, which operates without even the shame of democracy.

Napoleon and adolf failed to achieve the European empire that Salmond wants to join.

I don't care about Scotland in the same way you appear to do. Boundaries are just a device to enslave you within a particular cliques control.

We should be taking control for ourselves, of ourselves.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:48 am 
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Incidentally Gusmac, I think you see the truth but just don't like it. You've been sold on this “love for your country” crap, for so long, you simply fail to see the logic of what amounts to nothing more than an accident of birth. Everyone around the world wherever they are born should automatically love their country. Let's all jump up and down in tartan kilts, waving flags with painted faces, in support of Alec Salmond and Independence. I just don't get it.

I can't get this little Englander mentality of support for the Queen either. What the fu*k is that all about?

My 8-year-old son at the time summed it up beautifully when we couldn't get to the War Hammer shop because of the traffic for the Queens garden party at Hollyrood Palace. I told him, we would have to come back on another day. His annoyed response was, “who is this Queen anyway? “ I wondered what someone in England would have told their son. “You must love your Queen and Country and lay down your life in an illegal war.” Is this what dying for the cause really means?

I've got nothing against anyone believing in Shi*e. It's their call, but it's still Shi*e :-|

Oh and I quite like the Queen but only out of curiosity. :?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:19 am 
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gusmac wrote:
If you wanted to change things, it would surely be easier to do so in a smaller pond first. :wink:
5 million of your own people should, in theory, be easier to persuade than 60 million who look on you as a "sweaty" or 300 million who see you as just another little englander

But Salmond wants to be "at the heart of Europe", while wanting out of the UK ASAP.

So Scotland is one of four nations in the UK, and has 10% or so of Westminster MPs, yet wants to be one of thirty or so nations in this growing European superstate with negligible influence in a European Parliament that doesn't actually decide very much anyway, since it's mostly the bureaucrats who decide things.

So it's clearly not so much about indepedence and autonomy as getting away from England.

That's of course except for when Salmond wants to keep the Queen, the pound, the Bank of England setting interest rates and bailing out Scotland if things go belly up.

And he told Andrew Marr a couple of week ago that he thought an independent Scotland would still be part of the United Kingdom. :roll:

Never mind, all this inconsistency and hypocrisy doesn't matter as long as the hoi polloi are shouting 'freedum' and ticking the 'yes' box in the referendum. :D

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:15 pm 
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Dusty Bin wrote:
gusmac wrote:
If you wanted to change things, it would surely be easier to do so in a smaller pond first. :wink:
5 million of your own people should, in theory, be easier to persuade than 60 million who look on you as a "sweaty" or 300 million who see you as just another little englander

But Salmond wants to be "at the heart of Europe", while wanting out of the UK ASAP.

So Scotland is one of four nations in the UK, and has 10% or so of Westminster MPs, yet wants to be one of thirty or so nations in this growing European superstate with negligible influence in a European Parliament that doesn't actually decide very much anyway, since it's mostly the bureaucrats who decide things.

So it's clearly not so much about indepedence and autonomy as getting away from England.

That's of course except for when Salmond wants to keep the Queen, the pound, the Bank of England setting interest rates and bailing out Scotland if things go belly up.

And he told Andrew Marr a couple of week ago that he thought an independent Scotland would still be part of the United Kingdom. :roll:

Never mind, all this inconsistency and hypocrisy doesn't matter as long as the hoi polloi are shouting 'freedum' and ticking the 'yes' box in the referendum. :D

Independence is bigger than Salmond, Dusty. It's bigger than the SNP and the Unionist parties with their ya boo politics.
It will be the biggest constitutional change in 300 years, both here and in the rest of the UK.

Whatever you think of Salmond, making the debate about him is what is increasing support for independence.
Too small, too skint, too stupid isn't washing either.
People here see this for what it is. A lack of any decent argument for voting No.
Many of the people who intend to vote Yes, wouldn't vote for Salmond in an election. He probably won't win the first general election after Independence.
You and your fellow unionists need to make a positive case for the union. Something no one has thus far managed to do.
Trouble is, I don't think there is one, and it shows.
It's for the unionists to prove me wrong. You up for it?


PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:20 pm 
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Dusty Bin wrote:
gusmac wrote:
If you wanted to change things, it would surely be easier to do so in a smaller pond first. :wink:
5 million of your own people should, in theory, be easier to persuade than 60 million who look on you as a "sweaty" or 300 million who see you as just another little englander

But Salmond wants to be "at the heart of Europe", while wanting out of the UK ASAP.

So Scotland is one of four nations in the UK, and has 10% or so of Westminster MPs, yet wants to be one of thirty or so nations in this growing European superstate with negligible influence in a European Parliament that doesn't actually decide very much anyway, since it's mostly the bureaucrats who decide things.

So it's clearly not so much about indepedence and autonomy as getting away from England.

That's of course except for when Salmond wants to keep the Queen, the pound, the Bank of England setting interest rates and bailing out Scotland if things go belly up.

And he told Andrew Marr a couple of week ago that he thought an independent Scotland would still be part of the United Kingdom. :roll:

Never mind, all this inconsistency and hypocrisy doesn't matter as long as the hoi polloi are shouting 'freedum' and ticking the 'yes' box in the referendum. :D

Its a worry, who's the worse.. Alex Salmond for believing his own guff rhetoric or them thats daft to believe the garbage that he spouts.

This Scotland under the SNP will become an autocratic little pip squeak of a country led by Eck, and he in turn will be a little pip squeak of an autocrat led by an even bigger autocrat...the President of the EU.

At least as part of the UK we have some say in Scottish and UK matters even within the EU...outside of the UK and still in the EU we will be absolutely nobody...a little puppet state led by little puppet government politicians who want to maximise their pay packets whilst doing the minimum amount of work.

Sorry..but Eck can take his Independance and shove it where the sun dont shine.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:23 pm 
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Jasbar wrote:
The point is that the UK union has its flaws. But, as an instrument of control, it strikes me as being easier to influence than the 300 million population European Union, which operates without even the shame of democracy.

We are still in the EU Jim, even if it is by proxy and any influence is negligable, because it is subordinate to the needs of the rest of the UK.
Defacto, the UK as a whole often uses our say against us, to favour their own agenda.

Jasbar wrote:
Boundaries are just a device to enslave you within a particular cliques control.

We should be taking control for ourselves, of ourselves.

Call me thick if you want, but what exactly do you mean by this?


PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:25 pm 
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bloodnock wrote:
Its a worry, who's the worse.. Alex Salmond for believing his own guff rhetoric or them thats daft to believe the garbage that he spouts.

This Scotland under the SNP will become an autocratic little pip squeak of a country led by Eck, and he in turn will be a little pip squeak of an autocrat led by an even bigger autocrat...the President of the EU.

At least as part of the UK we have some say in Scottish and UK matters even within the EU...outside of the UK and still in the EU we will be absolutely nobody...a little puppet state led by little puppet government politicians who want to maximise their pay packets whilst doing the minimum amount of work.

Sorry..but Eck can take his Independance and shove it where the sun dont shine.

The worry is you actually believe this sh*te.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:30 pm 
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Skull wrote:
feel free to correct any of the following.

You did not choose your parents, your country, your culture, your religion, your school/education or the political system you appear to believe in.

My father was Catholic. My mother was Church of Scotland.
I choose to be an athiest.


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