Taxi Driver Online

Gagging Order Gone but not forgoten
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Author:  Skull [ Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Gagging Order Gone but not forgoten

It seems Colky and Co. have bottled it again :lol:

Author:  Sussex [ Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gagging Order Gone but not forgoten

Skull wrote:
It seems Colky and Co. have bottled it again :lol:

Author:  Skull [ Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gagging Order Gone but not forgoten

Sussex wrote:
Skull wrote:
It seems Colky and Co. have bottled it again :lol:

Me thinks bottles are crashing all over the place. :roll:

Author:  Skull [ Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

No matter it's coming up to Christmas. We'll have our new site up and running for the end of the Year, in time for the AGM.

Author:  Skull [ Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

My bet, their strategy (if you want to call it that) was to have us gagged over the period, up to, and including their AGM. They didn't want us to spoil their chances of re-election by reminding the membership of: their wages, £30k+ each - the Mercs, wasting away - Valerie Anderson, the big pay off - Colky's personal interest, the wee bint, running the office - oh and lets not forget the other family members being moved into position, almost a family run business, one would say.

Ask a question and you're on your way to being "disciplined" or should I say oppressed - stats pulled, fined and forced out of the company.

Oh and believe it or not CRT, is a Cooperative run for the benefit of the membership.

I'll bet anyone in CRT, Colky and Co. never intended to run with this legal action to its conclusion, only in so far as they were re-elected.

I challenge them to take me all the way :twisted:

Author:  jasbar [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 


Lest is any doubt here, when Skull makes reference to "we" and "gagging us", or any other collective term, he is not referring to me, but perhaps to himself and others who may collectively be supporting him in his actions.

Let it be widely and clearly known that I am fully aware of the terms and conditions of the interdict against me, which I entered into knowingly and voluntarily, and I have no intention of breaching those conditions, on this forum or elsewhere, at this time or any time in the future.

I bear no responsibility for anything Skull, or any other individual states, or any other action he, or others, may take. This point was clearly made by me to my pursuer's counsel, Mr Kinroy, during the reaching of the agreement between the parties.

My campaign to de-restrict the taxi trade in Edinburgh continues and I will remain entirely vociferous to that end. But, for me, the matters covered by the interdict are at an end. I will make no further comment on the specific conclusions contained in the interdict, which I refrain from publishing here lest it be considered a breach of the interdict itself although they are likely already a matter of public record, and which I am voluntarily bound by.

I have given no one any authority, nor should it be implied that I have, to refer to me as part of any other individual's actions.

Finally, the current interdict is an interim one. At some point it will be incumbent on my pursuer to bring the case to proof stage. I look forward to that end, am relaxed about the arena the case will be held in, confident that the case against me is fundamentally flawed and easily refutable, and am certain that decision will be found in my favour.

I anticipate that this will be a long, bloody, expensive and public battle, which will have a positive outcome for me.

I relish the opportunity to engage, particularly given that the matter will be conducted at the financial expense of my pursuer, who will be engaging this process knowing that there is no possibility of achieving any financial recompense, either for expenses incurred or damages.

For me it is a win win situation. I relish this matter proceeding.

It is for others to consider why it is.

Author:  jasbar [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just been looking at the McDonald's case.

314 court days at 11 million. That's around 35 grand for each court day on average.

And lawyers get paid whether they win or not. Their raison d'etre is merely to process a case. Unless they work to a retainer with incentive for victory, they get paid either way.


Author:  captain cab [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

jasbar wrote:
Just been looking at the McDonald's case.

314 court days at 11 million. That's around 35 grand for each court day on average.

And lawyers get paid whether they win or not. Their raison d'etre is merely to process a case. Unless they work to a retainer with incentive for victory, they get paid either way.


So you got beat then.....and from the disappearance of the thread so did much for freedom of speech.


Author:  jasbar [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

captain cab wrote:
jasbar wrote:
Just been looking at the McDonald's case.

314 court days at 11 million. That's around 35 grand for each court day on average.

And lawyers get paid whether they win or not. Their raison d'etre is merely to process a case. Unless they work to a retainer with incentive for victory, they get paid either way.


So you got beat then.....and from the disappearance of the thread so did much for freedom of speech.


Beat? We haven't got round the first lap of a 10,000 metres yet.

In fact, what's happened so far is akin to only pulling on the running spikes. The starter's gun hasn't even fired.

How many races have seen as being "won" before they've started?

Dearie me.

Author:  captain cab [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

jasbar wrote:

How many races have seen as being "won" before they've started?

Dearie me.

I think you fell at the first hurdle :wink:


Author:  Alex [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

captain cab wrote:
So you got beat then.....and from the disappearance of the thread so did much for freedom of speech.

I think it's worth pointing out that no-one has asked for any post/thread to be removed for ages, and even then it had nothing to do with Scotland.


Author:  captain cab [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alex wrote:
captain cab wrote:
So you got beat then.....and from the disappearance of the thread so did much for freedom of speech.

I think it's worth pointing out that no-one has asked for any post/thread to be removed for ages, and even then it had nothing to do with Scotland.




Author:  Skull [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alex wrote:
captain cab wrote:
So you got beat then.....and from the disappearance of the thread so did much for freedom of speech.

I think it's worth pointing out that no-one has asked for any post/thread to be removed for ages, and even then it had nothing to do with Scotland.


so why remove the posts :?

Author:  Skull [ Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

captain cab wrote:
jasbar wrote:
Just been looking at the McDonald's case.

314 court days at 11 million. That's around 35 grand for each court day on average.

And lawyers get paid whether they win or not. Their raison d'etre is merely to process a case. Unless they work to a retainer with incentive for victory, they get paid either way.


So you got beat then.....and from the disappearance of the thread so did much for freedom of speech.


I've had a wee look at the law concerning the internet, and freedom of speech, and at best it's a minefield. I don't think anyone knows how it really stacks up.

Oh and btw, why doesn't TDO, host across the pond? You would be untouchable.

We've got a blog, on a server waiting to kick-off after the year, based in California.


Author:  Skull [ Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:00 am ]
Post subject: 

captain cab wrote:
jasbar wrote:

How many races have seen as being "won" before they've started?

Dearie me.

I think you fell at the first hurdle :wink:


I feel sad for you CC, have you forgot what it was like to have a backbone, or have you always sold yourself out at the first opportunity :cry:

If there's one thing I've learned is patience . Things take time. You shouldn't try to force the issue or judge things to soon. :-|

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