Taxi Driver Online

job despatch
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Author:  trigot [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  job despatch

is it possible for controllers to despatch jobs to their friends / chums / buddies etc without other drivers knowing about it and is it a common scenario ?? i have discussed this with a number of other drivers and its a common situation where we are plotted onto an area with only one car and when a job comes through its taken right under our noses by another phantom vehicle,,thats not logged onto same plot, also, in cases of big hires, is it possible for controllers to just go to voice and contact their favourite drivers that way and despatch a job, any info on this very welcome,,cheers/

Author:  Guest [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Of course it is. On voice you knew if you were being screwed, on data you dont.

Most data systems have auto or manual. On auto they go out without interference 99.99% of the time, with manual they are as bent as they come.

If a good job is due, the operator can send it either earlier or later to their mate then the customer wanted. A lead time of 5 minutes can go as high as 15 to get you out of the way.

If the operator works on his/her own then it can be worse. Then they can take a booking, but not log it. That's were are freind the mbile phone is comes into it's own.

The best way to look at it is that operators are bent. It's part of the game. They aren't going to change. They go from being sacked at one firm to going to work at another.

Author:  trigot [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:26 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the info mate,,just as i thought lol,,but to be honest, its not funny at all,,the other day i did a run to fort william, from glasgow, it was a cash hire worth 250 pounds,,the thing is the controller was not told and she was only led to beleive that it was a local run,,when the hire changed his mind and decided to go home as opposed to the hotel, i contacted base and asked them to quote a price as i didnt have a clue,,after she did that,,she must have came to voice 10 times to ask ``are you doing that hire`` i thought damn right`` they must have been kicking themselves at base,,lol,,also finally,,is it worth complaining to the management when you suspect foul play,,,im led to beleive management dont give a toss as they get their radio money every week from hundereds of drivers,,why would they care,,, /

Author:  scot [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

every taxi office has this problem ,most offices have controllers which have boyfriends, husbands driving taxis which is usually the main problem but some controllers simply have favourite taxi drivers, it,s very hard to stop because a controller can simply text the driver the job ,the best bet is to let all the other drivers know which cabs are being given the jobs and more importantly check which controller gave him the job, if the management refuse to do nothing get some ops together and threaten either a fee strike or to hand in your radio sets,this worked in our office with the bosses daughter having to find alternative employment...

Author:  Guest [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

If I earn my money I couldn't give a stuff about what others make, particularly on long runs.
I actually ask our dispatcher to keep me local, doing £3 - £4 jobs all night makes me more money than a £250 run.
The thing I do object to is when dispatchers give out "no jobs" to push their friends to the front of the zone.
When I first started driving taxis an old hand had a saying which I adopted "I'll do my own [edited by admin] all night, but I don't want anyone else's".
Computer systems should always be on "auto", after all whats the point of paying a considerable amount of money for a system that can dispatch work then letting a human being, with all their shortcomings, dish the work out.
Accept that it happens and if you think that your not getting a fair crack then complain to the management, I wouldn't threaten them with a "fee strike" or to hand a system back, if your making a decent living the phrase "cutting your nose off to spite your face" comes to mind.

Author:  steveo [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sure it happens all over the place.
if you get to be a buddy of the controller then they can call you or text you when something juicey comes up and not put it on the system. maybe thats why i keep getting all the £3 jobs one after another?! :sad:

but also bear in mind that you ' phantom ' car could be someone who has just had a no fare in you zone and the system puts them top of the queue for the next one. thats how ours does it. if you get a no fare you dont get put back in as car number whatever or car 1 you are car *. the guy who is car 1 in the zone is still car 1 and is none the wiser that you are ahead of him.

Author:  Cgull [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

We had a husdand (driver) and wife (operator) on a circuit I used to work for.
They done very well out of thieving from us.
But like most they got greedy and got caught.
He did a job to Ashford Chunnel Station, about 100 quid. Did the job and went home. However he left the bag in the car with the passport.
So the customer rings the office to get the driver to go back. But the office doesn't know anything about the job.
The customer descuibed the driver to the boss very well. And both got the boot. And the boss had to pay the bloke hundreds in compensation.
A lesson to them all.

Author:  Radioman [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

trigot wrote:
thanks for the info mate,,just as i thought lol,,but to be honest, its not funny at all,,the other day i did a run to fort william, from glasgow, it was a cash hire worth 250 pounds,,the thing is the controller was not told and she was only led to beleive that it was a local run,,when the hire changed his mind and decided to go home as opposed to the hotel, i contacted base and asked them to quote a price as i didnt have a clue,,after she did that,,she must have came to voice 10 times to ask ``are you doing that hire`` i thought damn right`` they must have been kicking themselves at base,,lol,,also finally,,is it worth complaining to the management when you suspect foul play,,,im led to beleive management dont give a toss as they get their radio money every week from hundereds of drivers,,why would they care,,, /

If you have a problem then go in and talk to them. ALL telephone calls as well as radio voice channel calls are recorded.

There are detailed reports etc which the committee can ask for and in the past have been given (I believe).

Take it to the committee, ask the management to show you the job, its easy to tell if job when out via autopilot or the operator put the job out. Its also possible to check to see if the operator forced a car into an area etc.

Author:  scot [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 10:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cgull wrote:
We had a husdand (driver) and wife (operator) on a circuit I used to work for.
They done very well out of thieving from us.
But like most they got greedy and got caught.
He did a job to Ashford Chunnel Station, about 100 quid. Did the job and went home. However he left the bag in the car with the passport.
So the customer rings the office to get the driver to go back. But the office doesn't know anything about the job.
The customer descuibed the driver to the boss very well. And both got the boot. And the boss had to pay the bloke hundreds in compensation.
A lesson to them all.

i also expierienced this in a very small office 15 cabs, drivers would blow in a booking always a good one ,the bookings were placed on a board (this was a radio only office) but were cancelled one day before they were due, the drivers complained to the ops who decided to check,(if your a driver threaten to drive for someone else if no action is taken) one sat outside a recently cancelled 70 quid job and lo and behold the owners girlfriend turned up , complaints were made but no action taken the result? six sets handed in saturday at teatime, the office in question is now out of buisness the owner now puts in six shifts in his own taxi which at the time didnt even know what car he owned unlucky bob i call him,
if you are a driver you hand money to the owner to pay the fees ,if you are a op you obviously pay the fees, these are for to pay all the costs of the office ie advertising and more impotantly staff wages , in return any controller handing out jobs is just stealing from you and i cant understand anyone ignoring this, about two years ago one of the big offices(im not allowed to tell you which im operating from i just hope you dont read my previous posts) had a whip around for a retiring controller, the quote was fifteen years service, but i remember catching her handing out three jobs in one hour and refused to contribute, i wasn,t too popular for a week,
then the controller suddenly appeared behind the controls at 505050, nice one maureen,
and all was forgiven ,you have also got to remember that controllers are not well paid and they are easily tempted, the solution is get rid of both controller and offending vehicle, other than that your wages will decrease
and you will only have yourself to blame, me personally i complain in the first intance right in the face of those concerned , and look at me now im half cut at 10.40 waiting on some money from my driver, where as a year ago i was taxing untill four, only too hand over half the take too some other drunk...

Author:  trigot [ Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:45 am ]
Post subject: 

cheers all for your inputs, i guess you guys are starting to love my complaining posts,,lolol, but on a serious note,,the kind of info i get here is not something i would readily get from our office or comitee etc, there have been plenty of drivers that have raised these issues and more, i suppose when it comes to our company, they can afford to lose a few radios here and there,,this is what happens when you dominate a large part of a city, infact it reminds me of the driver with the call sign problems, was told to [edited by admin] off if he didnt like it,or something like that,,fixing does go on after reading your posts here,,ill be a bit more aware next time a job slips,,,

Author:  Guest [ Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:12 am ]
Post subject: 

scot wrote:
drivers would blow in a booking always a good one ,the bookings were placed on a board (this was a radio only office) but were cancelled one day before they were due, the drivers complained to the ops who decided to check,(if your a driver threaten to drive for someone else if no action is taken) one sat outside a recently cancelled 70 quid job and lo and behold the owners girlfriend turned up.

I would just keep the job to yourself, and give the customer your mobile number if they want to change.

Author:  Guest [ Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:14 am ]
Post subject: 

trigot wrote:
i suppose when it comes to our company, they can afford to lose a few radios here and there,,this is what happens when you dominate a large part of a city, infact it reminds me of the driver with the call sign problems, was told to [edited by admin] off if he didnt like it,or something like that,,fixing does go on after reading your posts here

From my experience firms don't mind too much if drivers leave. But what really sticks in their throats is when you leave and go to the competition.

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