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Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall
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Author:  captain cab [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

Dicing with death: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall


A minicab driver was one of two motorists slammed by a magistrate for risking lives by driving under closing barriers at Foxton level crossing.

Belal Ahmed, 32, was running late for a fare in Heathrow when he drove his BMW under the falling gate at the notorious train crossing – five seconds after the red lights started flashing.

The Cambridge minicab driver, who has been banned from driving for 28 days, is losing his livelihood after admitting driving without due and attention on the A10 at Foxton on September 15.

Derek Manning, presiding magistrate, told Ahmed, whose head was bowed throughout the hearing, that the consequences of his behaviour could have been “catastrophic”.

He said: “If a train had come along we dread to think what could have happened.”

He added: “You are a professional driver. You are a minicab driver and we expect you to have higher standards.”

Nick Barnes, mitigating for Ahmed, who was fined £450 and told to pay £85 costs, said his client had been a minicab driver for the last three years “without any incident or blemish on his record whatsoever”.

Paul Clare, operations manager at Panther “Taxis”, with whom Ahmed was working, said: “Mr Ahmed is self-employed and was suspended from the Panther radio network pending his appearance in court and we fully support the penalty imposed on him.”

He said any decisions over his future as a minicab driver have been “taken out of our hands” because Ahmed no longer has a private hire licence.

The defendant, who earns about £450 a week and lives in Nuns Way, King’s Hedges, was sentenced on the same day as another driver was hauled before the courts for the same offence at the same crossing.

Girish Babu, 31, brought his Mercedes to a stop on the crossing on September 25 as the barriers fell – forcing the signalman to stop the sequence to prevent the barriers hitting the car.

The court heard Babu, an account manager who lives in Nottingham, then drove off.

Representing himself, he said: “The car coming behind me was not keeping a safe distance, but it was clearly my misjudgment. I thought it was safe to go through.”

But Mr Manning said it was “an absolutely ridiculous” thing to do at an “extremely dangerous” crossing.

He was banned from driving for 21 days, fined £300 and must pay £70 costs.

Every year dozens of drivers fall foul of the Foxton barriers. In 2010 and 2011, British Transport Police recorded 91 incidents of motorists driving illegally there.


Author:  trotskys twin [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

These mugs on the bench make me sick they should have got at least 2 years driving ban £5000 fine and the PH driver banned from Professional Driving for life :evil: :evil:

Author:  gusmac [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

You are a minicab driver and we expect you to have higher standards.

:lol: :badgrin: :lol: :badgrin: :lol:

Author:  edders23 [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

a little perspective please

Every year dozens of drivers fall foul of the Foxton barriers. In 2010 and 2011, British Transport Police recorded 91 incidents of motorists driving illegally there.

were the other 90 PH drivers ? This particular crossing is I believe on the A10 which is a busy main road in sales rep/commuter land and this particular crossing has had a reputation going back over a hundred years of battles between road traffic and trains

I am a bit puzzled though as to why a Cambridge PH was on this road and not the M11 as for the sentence well I think it is not excessive although if it had been a Hackney driver I am sure they would have stopped 8)

Author:  grandad [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

edders23 wrote:
I am a bit puzzled though as to why a Cambridge PH was on this road and not the M11

The report states that he was running late for a fare so maybe he was on his way to the pick up point that wasn't on the M11.

Author:  edders23 [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

grandad wrote:
edders23 wrote:
I am a bit puzzled though as to why a Cambridge PH was on this road and not the M11

The report states that he was running late for a fare so maybe he was on his way to the pick up point that wasn't on the M11.


Author:  captain cab [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

edders23 wrote:

I am a bit puzzled though as to why a Cambridge PH was on this road and not the M11

taxeeee boss :lol:

Author:  trotskys twin [ Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

captain cab wrote:
edders23 wrote:

I am a bit puzzled though as to why a Cambridge PH was on this road and not the M11

taxeeee boss :lol:

aah racism from the NTA =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Author:  captain cab [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Minicab drivers race under as barriers fall

trotskys twin wrote:

aah racism from the NTA =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

hardly, but 10/10 :wink:

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