Taxi Driver Online

If you must have a gun, then please get a permit.
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Author:  Guest [ Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  If you must have a gun, then please get a permit.

Wot a lovely place to work. :shock: ... 97,00.html

Author:  Guest [ Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

The mind boggles! :shock: :?: .

Think of the fun our cabbies would have with this ruling.

Sussex could get rid of the HC,s in one fell swoop.


Wyatt Twerp :mrgreen:

Author:  Sussex [ Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Or they could get rid of Sussex. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Author:  44 calibre cabs [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: If you must have a gun, then please get a permit.

Anonymous wrote:

Bet every taxi driver in that area chips in to pay any fine imposed.
Best deterent ever, be a long time before anyone thinks of robbing a taxi, doubt they will get many runners either. You feel lucky punk !
If the driver had been stabbed to death we would never have heard the story. Most people think the crap we have to endure is part of the job and if we don't like it get out. No other job accepts the level of risk we take every time someone enters the cab. Every sympathy to the family of the victim but he put himself in that position and no matter how desperate or tragic his circumstances by arming himself with sissors he implied that he was prepared to harm the taxi driver and the driver did nothing wrong in defending himself.
Contrast that story with one locally: A Bournemouth taxi driver was on the rank when two French language students ran up to his taxi and jumped in the back locking the doors. They were being pursued by a gang of English yobs. They began rocking and banging on the taxi, the driver could not drive off because of the yobs in front of the car. He got out with a wheelbrace in his hand and waving it above his head the yobs backed off. This was witnessed by two police office from their patrol car further up the road, they arrived at the scene and arrested the driver for threatening behaviour with an offensive weapon. He was handcuffed and taken to the police station. No-one else was arrested or detained. The charges were later dropped, but the driver had the threat of a prison sentence hanging over him and the loss of his hackney license.
Given the choice US or UK justice, pass me the bullets.
Since Dunblane and the total ban on the private ownership of guns the number of victims of gun crime has gone up. Knowing that the potential victims of robbery could be legally armed and could legally cause you fatal injuries is far more of a deterant than the current "soft" sentences handed down by the courts to few that are stupid enough to get caught.

Author:  Sussex [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

We are all allowed to use reasonable force to defend ourselves. But how do any of us know a) what is reasonable, or b) when the level of violence against us is at its highest?

A colleague of mine used CS gas once, he did get into trouble with the police for this, but alas we have to weigh up if a court summons is preferable to a broken neck. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

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