Taxi Driver Online

Plate values Database.
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Author:  GBC [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

TDO wrote:
So if you won't say, then we can therefore assume

Theres that WE again, are these your opinions or from a collective group of admin people?

Author:  TDO [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
TDO wrote:

So am I right or wrong, or are you just trying to dodge the issue?

By the way, I don't know why you think I'm trying to be an 'expert' on the London trade, I merely made a remark that was heavily qualified by the words 'I suspect', so again it looks like you are trying to misrepresent me to deflect attention from the substantive point.

There's that ISSUE word again, just what issue am i trying to avoid?? :-| So it would be reasonable to suggest you seem to have a bit of a hang up about the London trade. I can't help it if we are the cream down here . . or if its quiet where you work, still look on the bright side all this free time to reply to our entries.

I posited that London drivers were CAPABLE of earning more than other drivers in the UK - that was the issue.

You then made a remark implying that I thought myself an expert on the London trade. I suggested that you were saying this to dodge the ISSUE.

Rather than me having a hang up about the London trade, I think you may have a paranioa about it.

Remeber that I said that I would concede the point (ie the ISSUE in the first paragraph above) since I clearly couldn't know as much about the London trade as youand then asked you for your view on the ISSUE, but you just ignored me.

Now your twisting things to say that I have a hang up about the London trade.

But obviously it's just you trying to deflect attention from you DODGING the issue.

Author:  GBC [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anyway i'm off, a 12 hour shift to be worked, what joy, will no doubt speak tomorrow!! Watch those s.p.a.d.s :wink:

Author:  TDO [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
[Yes of course it would bother me, i have not at any stage said i am for or against restricted plates, it will work in some parts of the country and not others.

You 'assumed' from the tone of my postings.

It had to be assumed since you didn't directly address it, despite several opportunities.

As for your first paragraph, are you saying that inflated rentals for drivers 'work' in some parts of the country, but not others? :?

Author:  TDO [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
TDO wrote:
So if you won't say, then we can therefore assume

Theres that WE again, are these your opinions or from a collective group of admin people?

OK I assumed, but presumably anyone else reading your posts would have come to a similar conclusion.

In view of the summary I posted earlier, I think the assumption was fair.

As for the WE and I, I used to post as Dusty Bin, but changed that to TDO so it would be clear that I was reflecting the views of the site. Thus I was in effect representing the small group that founded the site, and therefore occassionaly use we and occassionaly use I. I don't think the distinction is really significant though, since we generally agree on things, and if not then I'm sure the others will put me right :D

Sorry for any confusion. :oops:

Author:  Nidge2 [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
TDO wrote:
[So perhaps you could finally make you views on this known, and it it helps, answer the specific question I posed earlier in relation to London:

Answer me this, if when you start renting you had to pay £100 over the odds because only some people in London were allowed to run cabs (say numbers were restricted to 10,000), presumably it would bother you?

Yes of course it would bother me, i have not at any stage said i am for or against restricted plates, it will work in some parts of the country and not others.

You 'assumed' from the tone of my postings.

My comments on fastblacks was in reply to a posting by an Edinburgh driver, which i have since found out from my cousin to be just ever so slighty over-stated, hence me comparing my by-weekly rent in London to that of a rent in Midlothian.

Hope that sheds some light on my comments, oh and on that subject, you still havent told us about your light bulb :?: :?: !!!!!!!!!!

Some of the rents in London for cabs are cheaper than in other parts of the UK. I can name a few.

Author:  TDO [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
Anyway i'm off, a 12 hour shift to be worked, what joy, will no doubt speak tomorrow!! Watch those s.p.a.d.s :wink:

You watch out for the red lights and gatsos :wink:

Author:  TDO [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nidge wrote:
Some of the rents in London for cabs are cheaper than in other parts of the UK. I can name a few.

Absolutely Nidge, it's them restricted numbers.

It's not like you to side with me, but it's obviously welcome :D

Author:  TDO [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
My comments on fastblacks was in reply to a posting by an Edinburgh driver, which i have since found out from my cousin to be just ever so slighty over-stated, hence me comparing my by-weekly rent in London to that of a rent in Midlothian.

Funny that no one on there has seen fit to correct it then. :?

But if the figure was just SLIGHTLY overstated, then it hardly defeats the case against inflated rentals.

Author:  Sussex [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
Yes of course it would bother me, i have not at any stage said i am for or against restricted plates, it will work in some parts of the country and not others.

Where would you say it would work, and why? :?

Author:  Sussex [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nidge wrote:
Some of the rents in London for cabs are cheaper than in other parts of the UK. I can name a few.

I would guess the reason for that is that in London drivers have a choice. If rents are too high, then they can buy a motor and plate it F.O.C.

In districts that still restrict, drivers can buy as many motors as they like, but without greasing a leeches palm, they can't work. :sad:

Author:  Guest [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:31 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Sussex [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:

I charged them all, and bless them, they all paid up in full. :D

Thankfully over that period I didn't become a leech, but thanks for asking. :wink:

Author:  GBC [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
Nidge wrote:
Some of the rents in London for cabs are cheaper than in other parts of the UK. I can name a few.

I would guess the reason for that is that in London drivers have a choice. If rents are too high, then they can buy a motor and plate it F.O.C.

In districts that still restrict, drivers can buy as many motors as they like, but without greasing a leeches palm, they can't work. :sad:

Just think Sussex, if you spent about 50% less time on the web you could prob. clean up in 6 months and have the rest of the year off?

Its amazing all the drivers that seem to post entries throughout the evening and small hours, try working a few more nights and then that will really give you something to moan about!

Author:  GBC [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

TDO wrote:
I posited that London drivers were CAPABLE of earning more than other drivers in the UK - that was the issue.

Why are my takings an issue? I earn as much as the hours I put in, yes the fares are higher down here, but that takes into account the huge cost of living in London and the home counties, not all as cheap as the bacside of England.

I also work long shifts, and anti-social hours to maximise my income, the taxi trade gives you what you put in.

So again why are London takings an Issue? :?

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