Taxi Driver Online

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Author:  JD [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:
I am working on this,will have a new system soon...mrT

lol would that be a lottery system by any chance?



Author:  Sussex [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:
I am working on this,will have a new system soon...mrT

Pleased to hear this, but it looks like the DfT are going for the three year 'best practise'.

Me, I look forward to the ending of SUD surveys full stop. [-o<

Author:  Guest [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

JD wrote:
MR T wrote:
I am working on this,will have a new system soon...mrT

lol would that be a lottery system by any chance?




Author:  TDO [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

JD wrote:
MR T wrote:
J.D. A long time ago the issue of plates being returned to Liverpool was raised, and I was not forthcoming with a reply, I think I will now ,when Liverpool was de-reged and the plates went from 300 to 1400+ the system that was used was poor, for E.G. if you were issued a plate and handed it back in it simply went on the shelf and was handed back out to the next person came in , so Liverpools records only show a transfer of licence.mrT.....

I think Dusty has previously stated that like you he is of the opinion that it is hard to envisage plates not being handed back but Jacobs found no evidence of this and neither has Mr Edwards, so unless you know of a specific case it has to remain hearsay.

I can't really remember who said what about whatever, but unless Liverpool was only unrestricted for 5 minutes then I find it difficult to envisage that no plate were handed back, indeed someone on here claimed that taxis were being abandoned on the streets, so maybe that explains it :lol:

In an unrestricted authority a fair few people will leave the trade and join it each year, so in a city like Liverpool you would expect a few dozen each year to be handed in at least.

But if someone leaving the trade sells their vehicle to someone else, then this might be recorded as a transfer, as Mr T says?

I can't remember the exact argument, but I think it was basically that no one ever left the trade, which was bollocks.

Of course, I doubt if any have been handed in since restriction :?

Author:  JD [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

TDO wrote:
JD wrote:
MR T wrote:
J.D. A long time ago the issue of plates being returned to Liverpool was raised, and I was not forthcoming with a reply, I think I will now ,when Liverpool was de-reged and the plates went from 300 to 1400+ the system that was used was poor, for E.G. if you were issued a plate and handed it back in it simply went on the shelf and was handed back out to the next person came in , so Liverpools records only show a transfer of licence.mrT.....

I think Dusty has previously stated that like you he is of the opinion that it is hard to envisage plates not being handed back but Jacobs found no evidence of this and neither has Mr Edwards, so unless you know of a specific case it has to remain hearsay.

I can't really remember who said what about whatever, but unless Liverpool was only unrestricted for 5 minutes then I find it difficult to envisage that no plate were handed back, indeed someone on here claimed that taxis were being abandoned on the streets, so maybe that explains it :lol:

In an unrestricted authority a fair few people will leave the trade and join it each year, so in a city like Liverpool you would expect a few dozen each year to be handed in at least.

But if someone leaving the trade sells their vehicle to someone else, then this might be recorded as a transfer, as Mr T says?

I can't remember the exact argument, but I think it was basically that no one ever left the trade, which was bollocks.

Of course, I doubt if any have been handed in since restriction :?

I just wonder what those people did with their cabs once they handed in the plate? Maybe it was a case of selling the cab with the plate, which is exactly what takes place now. The only difference is that in derestricted Liverpool you would only get a nominal fee for the plate and this is because you wouldn't have the hassle of putting it through its test until the plate was up for renewal.



Author:  TDO [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can anyone remember what the original claim was and the purpose behind it?

Author:  Guest [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

The main reason that plates were handed back in was that cab's were being cab need for a plate..or cab's going on fire ins.mrT

Author:  TDO [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:26 am ]
Post subject: 

But wasn't the argument that there were no plates handed back, even when Liverpool was unrestricted?

Author:  Realcabforceforum [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:41 am ]
Post subject: 

The interesting part of this site from my point of view is that it is the biggest advert for restriction, given that the other point of view is made from non cabbies and wanna be lawyers

Author:  Guest [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:14 am ]
Post subject: 

TDO wrote:
But wasn't the argument that there were no plates handed back, even when Liverpool was unrestricted?


Author:  JD [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Realcabforceforum wrote:
The interesting part of this site from my point of view is that it is the biggest advert for restriction, given that the other point of view is made from non cabbies and wanna be lawyers

Do you think we should ban non-cabbies and wannabe lawyers? How about wannabe Cabbies and those non-professional cabbies in unrestricted authorities that Mr Swindon referred to, do we ban them too? Perhaps you professional cabbies should be teaching the non professional cabbies how to become professional cabbies. You could start with a FAQ on professionalism we can call it "How to become a real professional cabby" by Realcabforceforum. It has a quaint ring to it don't you think?



Author:  TDO [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Realcabforceforum wrote:
The interesting part of this site from my point of view is that it is the biggest advert for restriction, given that the other point of view is made from non cabbies and wanna be lawyers

I think that point was made the other day by either yourself or another TDO-sceptic. I asked for how they came to this view, but I can't recall any reply.

But it reminds me of the position taken by a previous group of TDO-sceptics. As an MP once said, it's deja vu all over again :lol:

Author:  Sussex [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:
JD wrote:
MR T wrote:
I am working on this,will have a new system soon...mrT

lol would that be a lottery system by any chance?


Yes it's called section 16 of the 1985 act. :wink:

Author:  Sussex [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Realcabforceforum wrote:
The interesting part of this site from my point of view is that it is the biggest advert for restriction, given that the other point of view is made from non cabbies and wanna be lawyers

I think you will find that this site has done more for the 90% of cab drivers that don't own a plate in a restricted area, than you will ever do for the 10% that does.

As for the lawyer claim, well if you want to be considered as thick as the Mansfield plank and the Gateshead liar, then more fool you. I'm quite sure they would welcome another goon to their party. :lol:

Author:  Realcabforceforum [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
Realcabforceforum wrote:
The interesting part of this site from my point of view is that it is the biggest advert for restriction, given that the other point of view is made from non cabbies and wanna be lawyers

I think you will find that this site has done more for the 90% of cab drivers that don't own a plate in a restricted area, than you will ever do for the 10% that does.

As for the lawyer claim, well if you want to be considered as thick as the Mansfield plank and the Gateshead liar, then more fool you. I'm quite sure they would welcome another goon to their party. :lol:

There are times "sussex" when you can be so hurtful :cry: :cry:

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