Taxi Driver Online

Fare competition
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Author:  Andy7 [ Sun Feb 01, 2004 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Anonymous wrote:
Andy7 wrote:
To be frank about all this, is it not the legislation tself, which creates the problems for all of us?

If we had a true single-tier legislative system based upon a level playing field concept (I mean, how big an issue is the difference btween a nine seat and a eight seat vehicle?), then we would all know where we stood and be able to compete faily.

well 2 things here, the difference between the two vehicles is one seat,
and that one seat extra is the difference between vat and no vat, and the capacity changes from 4 couples to 4 and a half couples.

if there is an accident very serious 1 more person stands to die or be seriously injured in one bus than the other.

there has to be a divide somewhere and european maxi taxis are 8 seats.

Precisely, so why should buses not need testing as much as taxis then?

Author:  jasbar [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Free market thinking on a restricted market????

Seems like we're forgetting that Hackney fares are, allegedly, formulated according to a calculation of the on-going costs of running the vehicle.

This formula is based on all relevant criteria of vehicle cost, depreciation/renewal, servicing, insurance, repairs etc. Therefore the price we are allowed to charge is the minimum to meet these criteria.

By advocating we sell our service below the premium, is the OFT saying we should sell at a loss? Which other business does this and survives.

Perhaps the problem is that they don't understand the taxi trade. And spouting rubbish like this, I sometimes wonder if they understand business concepts and rules?

Perhaps they should acknowledge that if customers needs are put before everything else, then there won't be the businesses surviving to serve those customers' needs.

There is a balance. But with the way the taxi service is so highly regulated, it doesn't exist in the taxi trade.

Businesses who offer discounts do so when the service is is in a lull, and needs to attract extra turnover. But, this is compensated by charging premium prices at premium times.

Doesn't it seem like the OFT are pressing for lower prices for consumers, without the flexibility for the taxi trade to offset these discounts when market conditions allow,

Isn't the OFT trying to overlay unregulated business practices onto an overly regulated taxi market?

Get real OFT, or what?

Author:  Andy7 [ Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anonymous wrote:

well 2 things here, the difference between the two vehicles is one seat,
and that one seat extra is the difference between vat and no vat, and the capacity changes from 4 couples to 4 and a half couples.

if there is an accident very serious 1 more person stands to die or be seriously injured in one bus than the other.

there has to be a divide somewhere and european maxi taxis are 8 seats.

Precisely, so why should buses not need testing as much as taxis then?[/quote]

The difference of one seat makes no difference to VAT actually.

Author:  Andy7 [ Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

But you are missing the actual point. Why on earth ARE there two sets of legislation (three in fact) when one will do quite adequately.

Under PSV regs, you can drive a car without a CRB

Under Hackney Regs, you can't.

P'raps you can tell me why?

Why not just one set of regs that applied to everyone equally. They can still be graded, so that a minibus was more regulated than a car. But at present, its cheaper and MUCH less hassle to license a bus than a taxi. Its a nonsense.

Author:  Andy7 [ Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Free market thinking on a restricted market????

Absolutely !!!

jasbar wrote:
Seems like we're forgetting that Hackney fares are, allegedly, formulated according to a calculation of the on-going costs of running the vehicle.

This formula is based on all relevant criteria of vehicle cost, depreciation/renewal, servicing, insurance, repairs etc. Therefore the price we are allowed to charge is the minimum to meet these criteria.

By advocating we sell our service below the premium, is the OFT saying we should sell at a loss? Which other business does this and survives.

Perhaps the problem is that they don't understand the taxi trade. And spouting rubbish like this, I sometimes wonder if they understand business concepts and rules?

Perhaps they should acknowledge that if customers needs are put before everything else, then there won't be the businesses surviving to serve those customers' needs.

There is a balance. But with the way the taxi service is so highly regulated, it doesn't exist in the taxi trade.

Businesses who offer discounts do so when the service is is in a lull, and needs to attract extra turnover. But, this is compensated by charging premium prices at premium times.

Doesn't it seem like the OFT are pressing for lower prices for consumers, without the flexibility for the taxi trade to offset these discounts when market conditions allow,

Isn't the OFT trying to overlay unregulated business practices onto an overly regulated taxi market?

Get real OFT, or what?

Author:  GBC [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mick wrote:
Alex wrote:
I would thought that the customer could be led into believing that the quote has come from a proper taxi office, instead of one of Cgull's mates.


God forbid Alex.

Lets face it the punters are confused enough by who is what, and what different cars can, or more importantly, can't do.

I would suggest that Mr Cgulls mate is much more qualified to give an accurate quote than a desk clerk in a booking office.

In a taxi the fare should be calculated on the meter every time, however if the P/H lads want to quote before the journey commenses then thats within their rights.

Or are we saying that the H/C lads are to blame AGAIN.

Bloody Hell.

B. Lucky :twisted:

Now there was a poster!

Can't we get Mick back on?

Is he barred as well? :shock:

Author:  Sussex [ Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

greenbadgecabby wrote:
Can't we get Mick back on?

Is he barred as well? :shock:

Don't know, why don't you PM him. :lol: :lol:

Author:  GBC [ Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
greenbadgecabby wrote:
Can't we get Mick back on?

Is he barred as well? :shock:

Don't know, why don't you PM him. :lol: :lol:

I'll send him your regards then?

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