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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:40 pm 
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Realcabforceforum wrote:
JD wrote:
If you are not man enough to admit Jacobs figures are wrong then by all means do what suits you best. This report consists of three elements only, an Armchair, a Telephone and several video cameras. Oh! and a lot of Bullchit.

Whats more, even though I don't really have the time, "I shall prove it".

So anytime you want the truth Mr Cabforce you know where to find it.



Yeah,You said "truth and justice" , you are starting to sound like some sort of comic book character and you can take it as read that this "site" would be the last place I would be looking for the truth.

Well I certainly used the word truth but you're going to have to show me in what context I used the word justice? Could it be that you're own self denial of the truth has also contributed to you misrepresenting the facts? Did you fabricate that quote of mine or did I actually say it in this thread? lol

You don't have a relative in Gateshead do you?



 Post subject: Tools of the trade
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:24 pm 
I can't help feeling that if carpenters had had as much difficulty in getting their hands on saws and hammers as taxi drivers have in getting their hands on taxis, which they need to do their job, then Christ may just not have been crucified.

You know, this isn't rocket science. We've been told since Thatcher's blog that the free market is all. Labour even got elected mimicking this wisdom.

Yet, it seems in our trade alone we're exempt somehow!

This whole argument isn't about the needs of the market, the drivers and the customers, it's only about keeping vested interests in the loop.

In Edinburgh, ITS handle plate transfer transactions for both buyer and seller, but the two never meet until the deal's done, if they can even be bothered. ITS (Cab-ti-vate) are therefore making the market. Manipulating the market. Doesn't this breach every anti-competition rule? Yet, government refrains from intervening and stopping it.

A taxi driver hanging around at taxi ranks on a busy saturday nite without a saddle to sit in is as much good to those needing a ride home as a chocolate fireguard.

I wonder how many such potential customers, while walking home and reducing taxi trade revenue, actually say they are glad they have to do so, because their forced march helps to keep plate prices high and current "owners" in the manner which they certainly don't deserve.

Licensed taxis are just a tool of the trade. They are not a pension. If you want a pension, go buy a proper one and let the rest of us meet our customer's needs.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:08 am 
Looks like skull has allowed the argument to be fuelled by an unpalatable truth.

But, doesn't it only add some undeserved significance to the miscreant?

I'm more interested in why Diesel feels the need to defend this miscreant in the first place. And, knowing Diesel as I do, and remembering the last time I was in conversation with him, and recalling the shirty looks he couldn't hide while I was making certain pertinent points, I now feel that I understand more fully the bitching and lack of support which allowed the only organisation that ever had any propspect of enabling much needed change in our trade in Edinburgh to be suffocated.

Diesel son. You're a disappointment. You're listening to, and obviosly agrreing with, tittle tattle from blawbags who have never had an original thought in their lives. And, the miscreant you would defend is only guilty of raping our trade. You want this?

PS Next time you see him, tell the pal you'd protect the Tsunami coming at him is within sight of the shore.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:10 am 
Looks like skull has allowed the argument to be fuelled by an unpalatable truth.

But, doesn't it only add some undeserved significance to the miscreant?

I'm more interested in why Diesel feels the need to defend this miscreant in the first place. And, knowing Diesel as I do, and remembering the last time I was in conversation with him, and recalling the shirty looks he couldn't hide while I was making certain pertinent points, I now feel that I understand more fully the bitching and lack of support which allowed the only organisation that ever had any propspect of enabling much needed change in our trade in Edinburgh to be suffocated.

Diesel son. You're a disappointment. You're listening to, and obviosly agrreing with, tittle tattle from blawbags who have never had an original thought in their lives. And, the miscreant you would defend is only guilty of raping our trade. You want this?

PS Next time you see him, tell the pal you'd protect the Tsunami coming at him is within sight of the shore.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:40 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:18 pm
Posts: 182
jasbar i don't know the people from ITS(cab-ti-vate) so i would never seek to defend them. indeed i hold them responsible for many of the current probelms in the edinburgh cab trade.with-out their money making input,the price paid for the loan of a licence would not be at the ridiculously high amount it is at.this price £40,000+ makes it worthwhile for the more astute amongst us to try and use the law for free plates. also on the subject of the cabforce organisation that you refered to I was at the one and only meeting so far (2005) :) and the main/only contentious issue was how to get rid of U.two names were behind this, can you guess who? it is sad that the organisation seems to have died and I must admit to some feelings of guilt.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:23 pm 
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Last week I sent three emails to Ian Milership of Jacobs consulting the author of the Edinburgh report, asking him some searching questions. By Friday Ian Millership was no longer employed by Jacobs consultancy. None of my emails have been answered and all references to the the Edinburgh survey are being redirected to Edinburgh council. Jacobs will not commit themselves to answing any questions on any part of the report.

The plot thickens.



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:23 pm 
Fine I accept that, and thank you for it.

I could guess who the two you refer to as the ones who wanted to get me out. But the really important point is why?
There are two possibilities.

First, I was ineffective, I wasn't articulating the issues, I was too agressive? They wanted me out so that they could pursue matters better, more effectively.

But it hasn't happened. Since the January meeting, as you have stated, NOTHING has happened. The Chairman, Keith Bell has swanned around the trade like a childish big boy, full of his own self importance. He hasn't consulted with "members", nor reported back to them on any matters. Yet he purports to represent these people on the Council's Hire Car Licensing Consultation Group.

I, on the other hand have been beavering away largely on my own, raising issues, attempting to hold the Council to account for the appalling way they're "administering" our trade with the aquiesence of trade mandarins. Diesel, you'll be made aware of this and other matters very soon.

Second, the alternative is that they wanted me out of the way to further their own naked interest, their moral zeal to campaign for justice in the trade shunted into the sidings as their self interests races on full steam ahead.

Chairman Keith Bell poses with the Council. Attends various meetings and generally is making his name known, in preparation for the day he attempts election and joins the coven. His personal political ambitions are his only real concern.

Keith Bell was allegedly approached by other trade interests to hold a meeting with other trade representatives prior to the inaugural meeting of the HCLCG. He was allegedly invited on the express understanding that I was not. Given we were supposed to be working as a team, Bell failed to appraise me of theis and agreed to attend. He allowed external influences to dictate CABforce policy. He stabbed me in the back, a fact supported by those who attended the January meeting. This was disgraceful and a measure of the man, and those who supported this.

Bob Dewar, whom I principally worked alongside and depended on for both actual and moral support, changed after he had a meeting with Council Solicitor Robert Millar. Dewar had been concerned that the Council intended to place all topographical instruction with Telford College, cutting his school out of the loop. I argued vociferously against this on Dewar's behalf.

Anyway, after his meeting, Dewar became very pernicketty about the tone of correspondence with the Council. What had been acceptable before his meeting, was not after it. I strongly suspect he was given assurance to his school's future if he could contain me and prevent the attack being made on the council. I strongly suspect that Dewar also sold out. When he told me at the January meeting he couldn't work with me, I knew the reason. It was a wonder he had the courage to look me directly in the face following his treachery.

Their continued personal interests were why both Bell and Dewar engineered the situation to try to prevent me attending the January meeting in the first place. A meeting where Bell dragged in a few pals, who had never ventured an original thought about the trade and its problems ever berfore, haven't since and likely never will.

And the meeting was a sham. The organisation was left with no other office bearers, a number of people expressed an interest in setting up a committee, no meeting was ever held. Subscription levels were increased, never collected. It was suggested that a fighting fund be set up, this was quickly shot down, because it's patently clear Bell had no intention of fighting for justice.

Oh, and Bell also managed to get himself voted a fee of £15 per hour while "representing" the organisation at meetings. I wonder how much is left now.

Yet, amazingly, this shambles is deemed to represent the trade by the council and Bell is allowed to sit on the HCLCG. How can this group have any credibility with this?

The sad thing is that CABforce should have died. I was its inspiration, I was its driving force. It now has neither.

And the £500 in the kitty, according to its constitution, should have been donated to the Sick Kids hospital and the taxi trade childrens outing. Where has it gone? Who knows? Bell doesn't say. And no one can be bothered to ask him.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:22 pm 

Joined: Thu May 26, 2005 7:33 pm
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Why do you think that is? hes moved on......

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:33 pm 
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187ums wrote:
Why do you think that is? hes moved on......

Well it's obvious he's moved on. But under what circumstances did he move on? He has been at Jacobs for quite some time and was in the process of setting up the Sefton survey, he was there last week but by friday he had gone. Did he resign, was he pushed or did he leave for another post?

It is intriguing that Jacobs won't answer any questions about their survey in Edinburgh, when in the past they have been only too willing to answer questions about surveys. You might not know that but I do. Therefore the silence on this matter suggests to me that they know the Edinburgh survey is flawed.


 Post subject: Edinburgh, Jacobs report
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:49 pm 
Here we go again - jasbar is complaining that Messrs Bell and Dewar stuffed him.
So - why did jasbar work alongside them if they are such bad men? - jasbar must be a very poor judge of character indeed.
Why would anyone want to be represented by jasbar when he so obviously has such poor judgement?
Did they dupe you jasbar?
If you are so easily duped, I'd rather keep the misfits I already have representing me at the council trough, thank you very much.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:44 pm 
No mike, they didn't dupe me. I'd say the evidence suggests they were corrupted. Got at. I'd also say they are without honour. They sold out. Faced with a "bribe" they took it?

And you'd rather be represented by the likes of them, the "misfits" as you describe them?

How sad. No wonder the taxi trade is donald, riddled with council induced injustice.

Look around you. THINK about what is happening.

As for me, then be clear I make no pretensions about "representing" anyone. Why do I need the hassle trying to advance the case of those who are either too deaf or too stupid to even understand the argument. Or those who are too intent on denigrating me to deal with the issues that are obvious to all but the cerebrally challenged.

Bring it on mike. You're obviously gonna waste your time trying to put me down. Why don't we just meet, when you can do so to my face, and leave this site for more constructive discussion about the real issues?


 Post subject: Edinburgh, Jacobs report
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:26 pm 
So, Jasbar, you say you were not duped?
Therefore, you must, as I suggested earlier, be a bad judge of character as you appeared to align yourself with Messrs Bell and Dewar at one point.
And NO, I do not want to put you down, (at least not in the way that you probably mean :D )
As for meeting you, thanks but no thanks. I suppose you will remember hearing those words before from members of the trade!!!
Jasbar Sept 17 2005 - a wee message to Mark Greenhalgh
Sept 17 2005 - Messrs Bell and Dewar attacked
Sept 19 2005 - diesel son, you're a disappointment
Sept 19 2005 - mike challenged to a face to face
I am all for consructive discussion, whereas the evidence regarding yourself would appear to suggest you are of the contrary disposition and seek to make personal attacks.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:42 pm 
So much to say mike, and not a single mention of the issues.

Kinda speaks volumes about what your interest is, what you consider important, does it not?

You're obviously into quantity, not quality.

At least it's topical. Pedantic and mindnumbing, but topical.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:51 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:03 pm
Posts: 280
Is there an Edinburgh version of the LTDA, if not why not, if there is why have I never heard of it?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:02 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:54 am
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Sirius wrote:
Is there an Edinburgh version of the LTDA, if not why not, if there is why have I never heard of it?

Not that I know of?

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George Orwell, "Animal Farm"

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