Taxi Driver Online

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Author:  skippy41 [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:36 am ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

In my opinion, it's probably because in the past associations and unions have spent more time fighting each other........ hopefully that has now changed.........

Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

Author:  jimbo [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:38 am ]
Post subject: 

skippy41 wrote:
MR T wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

In my opinion, it's probably because in the past associations and unions have spent more time fighting each other........ hopefully that has now changed.........

Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

So we would all drive on the right?

Could be dangerous, Skippy.

Author:  MR T [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:34 am ]
Post subject: 

skippy41 wrote:
MR T wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

In my opinion, it's probably because in the past associations and unions have spent more time fighting each other........ hopefully that has now changed.........

Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

It would all depend on whether you were for or against being part of Europe.... considering we were never given the opportunity of voting...YES/NO... I know where I stand .

Author:  skippy41 [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:
skippy41 wrote:
MR T wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

In my opinion, it's probably because in the past associations and unions have spent more time fighting each other........ hopefully that has now changed.........

Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

It would all depend on whether you were for or against being part of Europe.... considering we were never given the opportunity of voting...YES/NO...
I know where I stand

Are you sure MR T??????? one of us passed our driving test on the right :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Sussex [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

I think one of the problems is that we have 400+ councils adopting 400+ differing sets of rules. :sad:

Author:  skippy41 [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

I think one of the problems is that we have 400+ councils adopting 400+ differing sets of rules. :sad:

So basically, what is required is to contact someone in government and get a set of rules that apply nationally, but we already have them, but the problem is some councils cannot read.
So we need a new set that everyone can understand, or pull licencing from the councils and place it under VOSA

Author:  toots [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

So we would all drive on the right?

Could be dangerous, Skippy.

You mean we don't already :oops: :oops:

Author:  grandad [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:

considering we were never given the opportunity of voting...YES/NO... I know where I stand .

Yes we were. :wink:

Author:  cabby john [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

As it is now it is totally antiquated as it differs so much from borough to borough. What other line of work has different rules up and down the country.

I think one of the problems is that we have 400+ councils adopting 400+ differing sets of rules.

For what it is worth I believe that it needs centralising, something on the lines of the DVLA. Literally do away with all local LAs and licensing Councillors which would save us all a load of money.The existing LA officers minus redundancies would be put out on to the streets to do the jobs properly.

I think if we all started banging the drum by requesting centralisation, then a few bottoms might start tweaking and they might move more to our side - instead of being against us

Author:  tx_op [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

cabby john wrote:
Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

As it is now it is totally antiquated as it differs so much from borough to borough. What other line of work has different rules up and down the country.

I think one of the problems is that we have 400+ councils adopting 400+ differing sets of rules.

For what it is worth I believe that it needs centralising, something on the lines of the DVLA. Literally do away with all local LAs and licensing Councillors which would save us all a load of money.The existing LA officers minus redundancies would be put out on to the streets to do the jobs properly.

I think if we all started banging the drum by requesting centralisation, then a few bottoms might start tweaking and they might move more to our side - instead of being against us

A sensible suggestion fella,
Do you not think we should follow in the footsteps of The EU and form our own Union ? European Taxi and PH's all united and most certainly well represented ! Brussels beware :-k

Author:  cabby john [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do you not think we should follow in the footsteps of The EU and form our own Union

Without a shadow of a doubt we should. But! first and foremost we would have to overcome problem number one - the greed of drivers.

To overcome this we would need a Union on the lines of the "Teamsters" :shock: not the corrupt side, but the side that would bring errant members back into line :D

Author:  MR T [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

skippy41 wrote:
MR T wrote:
skippy41 wrote:
MR T wrote:
Highlander wrote:
Why does the British Taxi Industry always seem to be at loggerheads with LA's and Courts ? Seems to me our fellow European brothers don't take the same flack on such issues :?

In my opinion, it's probably because in the past associations and unions have spent more time fighting each other........ hopefully that has now changed.........

Since the government claim we are Europeans now would it be better to have a European taxi policy, whereby every country has the same rules and regulations that every driver or owner can understand

It would all depend on whether you were for or against being part of Europe.... considering we were never given the opportunity of voting...YES/NO...
I know where I stand

Are you sure MR T??????? one of us passed our driving test on the right :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am sure everyone was extremely proud of you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  charles007 [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Good, good.

Hope the council change there policy, good judjement.

Author:  charles007 [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  meeting of minds

what gets me about this group is that little come from them, yet they are dealing wth issus that effec every one in the trade.

not every one is a member of there union or Association, at lese the NPHA, puts thing in his paper.

Author:  tx_op [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

After my short time in TDO and, sifting through various posts regarding our Trade, the one thing that halts progress is undoubtedly.. INDIVIDUALITY...Not a good trait to gain our aims.

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