Taxi Driver Online

PH Sub Office Inside Major Birmingham Nightclub
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Author:  Brummie Cabbie [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Saltmarket wrote:
Sussex wrote:
Mr BC is trying to defend his trade from those that wish to take it away from him.

Now you may think he is wrong, and you may be right, but too many of the 250,000 taxi/PH drivers do f*** all to fight for the trade, so when someone does they should be applauded not put down.

I wish him well in his endeavours.

You're talking about a united front. As long as you have BH and PH cabs competing for the same work you'll never ever see it. That's my point. The BH trade will happily go along to a hearing and spout all manner of unrelated crap in objection to anything they see as giving the PH trade an advantage over them. You're never going to get a united front when BH and PH is Us Vs. Them in the same way you're never going to get a united front when BH's object on congestion grounds to a site that has a 16-cab BH rank outside it.


I'm sure whoever is at the hearing will hear Brummie sounding off with politeness but they'll be dismissing his objections out of hand as either 'unfounded' or 'self-serving'.

A committee of fifteen councillors rarely comes to stupid decisions irrespective of submissions from the public during the meeting.

They're not all dummies.

Author:  Saltmarket [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
The only possible grounds are

Public Order

Nothing to do with the taxi trade.

Fire Safety

Nothing to do with the taxi trade.

Traffic congestion

Taxi trade fine with their 16-cab rank causing congestion because it suits them. Taxi trade not fine with congestion when their competitors are involved.

I'm sure no one will see through your impassioned pleas. Self-interest masquerading as civic-mindedness. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb.

Tell me something, if the application was for increasing the size of the rank, would you still be arguing about congestion? Would you even be arguing at all?

You have amended what I wrote & quote your amendments as being what I wrote. Please do not do that as it distorts the history of what I wrote & when viewed by others in the future might be mis-leading.

If you have comments on what I wrote, please put them in your reply. That way all readers know who has written what in all posts at all times, present & future.


Errr, OK. :lol:

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
The actual position of the rank & O2 Academy nightclub is on a 40mph two lane slip road that has immediately prior to that been a four-lane carriageway with the outside two lanes doing into an underpass & the inside two lanes becoming the slip road, plus a further inside lane that is the taxi rank. The nightclub has a capacity of 4,000.

The actual workings of the rank are that at about 10.00pm the coaches that bring people to the venue from outside cities & towns start to occupy the rank & by 10.30pm the rank if full of coaches. Coaches, as I'm sure you know, can only park on a rank to immediately unload & pull off or immediately load & pull off. The coaches stay there until they load at about 2.15 to 2.30am, or 3.15-3.30am depending on the night of the week & then take the clubbers home And police have more important things to do than move coaches off the rank, so no help there.

The cabs then double park alongside the coaches on the inside lane of the highway, as their right to rank legally has now been removed by illegally parked coaches. This now creates a 40mph single lane highway in the outside lane. Private cars & Private Hire Vehicles now stop to drop off & pick up in the outside lane not only causing congestion in the slip road but very often on the approaches to the 40mph underpass. This situation can last up to 10 minutes at times & has caused tailbacks of up to 200 yards & more.

This situation also gives rise to the public order issue with driver, both licensed & the public becoming ever increasingly irate.

Any reasonable, sensible citizen would wish to point out these facts to the licensing committee, but I’m reasonably sure that the police presence at this meeting might suffice.

But you won't be complaining will you. You'll be objecting to the PH office on those grounds while ignoring the fact that the BH trade rank illegally there too. Your argument is going to sound like:

"Well we rank there illegally. You can't let the PH rank there illegally too!"

In other words; I'm right. You don't care about the public order OR the congestion. You're merely moaning about the chance PH will do something you already admit to doing. But of course, you HAVE to rank illegally, don't you?

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Since the first licensing committee meeting, it has now been established that the club had their fire safety certificate issued prior to the idea for a PH operator license inside the club being applied for. As the grant of a PH operator license would mean that there would be a desk in the lobby or enclosed unit there at which would be passengers would assemble, that in itself could be seen by the fire service as a potential fire safety risk for escaping night-clubbers. 4,000 people is a lot of people to evacuate in an emergency & with any kind of human obstruction in the foyer close to the exit could cause stampedes & result in people being trodden to death. So the fire safety issue will probably be re-visited too.

It might well require investigation and re-certification. None of that has anything to do with the BH trade. You couldn't care less if the building burned to the ground with everyone in it. You're making fire safety an issue to block the installation of a PH office.

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?


Author:  Brummie Cabbie [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?


Which area are you licensed in & how come you swapped a nice cushy council job for PH?

Author:  Saltmarket [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?


Which area are you licensed in & how come you swapped a nice cushy council job for PH?

Do you want my bank details and National Insurance number too?

Maybe I can send you a scan of my passport.


Author:  Brummie Cabbie [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

After the Ariston ..... There is no precedent for a PH operator license within a nightclub in Brum.

I think the councillors may be confused because of this & are not sure whether they should grant the license or not.

I hope that they refuse the license & that the applicant then takes the matter on appeal to the Magistartes Court. The decision then, although not being case law, would have been taken by a court & some grounds in law, albeit in a Magistrates Court, for upholding the councils decision or quashing it & granting the license could be given.

Author:  MR T [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
The only possible grounds are

Public Order

Nothing to do with the taxi trade.

Fire Safety

Nothing to do with the taxi trade.

Traffic congestion

Taxi trade fine with their 16-cab rank causing congestion because it suits them. Taxi trade not fine with congestion when their competitors are involved.

I'm sure no one will see through your impassioned pleas. Self-interest masquerading as civic-mindedness. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb.

Tell me something, if the application was for increasing the size of the rank, would you still be arguing about congestion? Would you even be arguing at all?

You have amended what I wrote & quote your amendments as being what I wrote. Please do not do that as it distorts the history of what I wrote & when viewed by others in the future might be mis-leading.

If you have comments on what I wrote, please put them in your reply. That way all readers know who has written what in all posts at all times, present & future.


Errr, OK. :lol:

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
The actual position of the rank & O2 Academy nightclub is on a 40mph two lane slip road that has immediately prior to that been a four-lane carriageway with the outside two lanes doing into an underpass & the inside two lanes becoming the slip road, plus a further inside lane that is the taxi rank. The nightclub has a capacity of 4,000.

The actual workings of the rank are that at about 10.00pm the coaches that bring people to the venue from outside cities & towns start to occupy the rank & by 10.30pm the rank if full of coaches. Coaches, as I'm sure you know, can only park on a rank to immediately unload & pull off or immediately load & pull off. The coaches stay there until they load at about 2.15 to 2.30am, or 3.15-3.30am depending on the night of the week & then take the clubbers home And police have more important things to do than move coaches off the rank, so no help there.

The cabs then double park alongside the coaches on the inside lane of the highway, as their right to rank legally has now been removed by illegally parked coaches. This now creates a 40mph single lane highway in the outside lane. Private cars & Private Hire Vehicles now stop to drop off & pick up in the outside lane not only causing congestion in the slip road but very often on the approaches to the 40mph underpass. This situation can last up to 10 minutes at times & has caused tailbacks of up to 200 yards & more.

This situation also gives rise to the public order issue with driver, both licensed & the public becoming ever increasingly irate.

Any reasonable, sensible citizen would wish to point out these facts to the licensing committee, but I’m reasonably sure that the police presence at this meeting might suffice.

But you won't be complaining will you. You'll be objecting to the PH office on those grounds while ignoring the fact that the BH trade rank illegally there too. Your argument is going to sound like:

"Well we rank there illegally. You can't let the PH rank there illegally too!"

In other words; I'm right. You don't care about the public order OR the congestion. You're merely moaning about the chance PH will do something you already admit to doing. But of course, you HAVE to rank illegally, don't you?

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Since the first licensing committee meeting, it has now been established that the club had their fire safety certificate issued prior to the idea for a PH operator license inside the club being applied for. As the grant of a PH operator license would mean that there would be a desk in the lobby or enclosed unit there at which would be passengers would assemble, that in itself could be seen by the fire service as a potential fire safety risk for escaping night-clubbers. 4,000 people is a lot of people to evacuate in an emergency & with any kind of human obstruction in the foyer close to the exit could cause stampedes & result in people being trodden to death. So the fire safety issue will probably be re-visited too.

It might well require investigation and re-certification. None of that has anything to do with the BH trade. You couldn't care less if the building burned to the ground with everyone in it. You're making fire safety an issue to block the installation of a PH office.

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?

I thing he's trying to ask you out . :lol:

Author:  Brummie Cabbie [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?


Which area are you licensed in & how come you swapped a nice cushy council job for PH?

Do you want my bank details and National Insurance number too?

Maybe I can send you a scan of my passport.


What are you afraid of?

You're not with HMRC are you?

Author:  Brummie Cabbie [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

MR T wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
The only possible grounds are

Public Order

Nothing to do with the taxi trade.

Fire Safety

Nothing to do with the taxi trade.

Traffic congestion

Taxi trade fine with their 16-cab rank causing congestion because it suits them. Taxi trade not fine with congestion when their competitors are involved.

I'm sure no one will see through your impassioned pleas. Self-interest masquerading as civic-mindedness. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb.

Tell me something, if the application was for increasing the size of the rank, would you still be arguing about congestion? Would you even be arguing at all?

You have amended what I wrote & quote your amendments as being what I wrote. Please do not do that as it distorts the history of what I wrote & when viewed by others in the future might be mis-leading.

If you have comments on what I wrote, please put them in your reply. That way all readers know who has written what in all posts at all times, present & future.


Errr, OK. :lol:

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
The actual position of the rank & O2 Academy nightclub is on a 40mph two lane slip road that has immediately prior to that been a four-lane carriageway with the outside two lanes doing into an underpass & the inside two lanes becoming the slip road, plus a further inside lane that is the taxi rank. The nightclub has a capacity of 4,000.

The actual workings of the rank are that at about 10.00pm the coaches that bring people to the venue from outside cities & towns start to occupy the rank & by 10.30pm the rank if full of coaches. Coaches, as I'm sure you know, can only park on a rank to immediately unload & pull off or immediately load & pull off. The coaches stay there until they load at about 2.15 to 2.30am, or 3.15-3.30am depending on the night of the week & then take the clubbers home And police have more important things to do than move coaches off the rank, so no help there.

The cabs then double park alongside the coaches on the inside lane of the highway, as their right to rank legally has now been removed by illegally parked coaches. This now creates a 40mph single lane highway in the outside lane. Private cars & Private Hire Vehicles now stop to drop off & pick up in the outside lane not only causing congestion in the slip road but very often on the approaches to the 40mph underpass. This situation can last up to 10 minutes at times & has caused tailbacks of up to 200 yards & more.

This situation also gives rise to the public order issue with driver, both licensed & the public becoming ever increasingly irate.

Any reasonable, sensible citizen would wish to point out these facts to the licensing committee, but I’m reasonably sure that the police presence at this meeting might suffice.

But you won't be complaining will you. You'll be objecting to the PH office on those grounds while ignoring the fact that the BH trade rank illegally there too. Your argument is going to sound like:

"Well we rank there illegally. You can't let the PH rank there illegally too!"

In other words; I'm right. You don't care about the public order OR the congestion. You're merely moaning about the chance PH will do something you already admit to doing. But of course, you HAVE to rank illegally, don't you?

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Since the first licensing committee meeting, it has now been established that the club had their fire safety certificate issued prior to the idea for a PH operator license inside the club being applied for. As the grant of a PH operator license would mean that there would be a desk in the lobby or enclosed unit there at which would be passengers would assemble, that in itself could be seen by the fire service as a potential fire safety risk for escaping night-clubbers. 4,000 people is a lot of people to evacuate in an emergency & with any kind of human obstruction in the foyer close to the exit could cause stampedes & result in people being trodden to death. So the fire safety issue will probably be re-visited too.

It might well require investigation and re-certification. None of that has anything to do with the BH trade. You couldn't care less if the building burned to the ground with everyone in it. You're making fire safety an issue to block the installation of a PH office.

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?

I thing he's trying to ask you out . :lol:

Shush ..... Don't give my secrets away ..... I just love masterful men.

And when they're wearing bow-ties my knees start knocking!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Sussex [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Saltmarket wrote:
As long as you have BH and PH cabs competing for the same work you'll never ever see it. That's my point. The BH trade will happily go along to a hearing and spout all manner of unrelated crap in objection to anything they see as giving the PH trade an advantage over them. You're never going to get a united front when BH and PH is Us Vs. Them in the same way you're never going to get a united front when BH's object on congestion grounds to a site that has a 16-cab BH rank outside it.

He is fighting his corner, nothing wrong with that.

As for a club having a PH ops license, I think that is wrong, and TBH don't know why they need one if they do the job properly.

Author:  Saltmarket [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
Brummie Cabbie wrote:
Terns Mmh. If I help you, Saltmarket, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?


Which area are you licensed in & how come you swapped a nice cushy council job for PH?

Do you want my bank details and National Insurance number too?

Maybe I can send you a scan of my passport.


What are you afraid of?

You're not with HMRC are you?

I'm not with the HMRC, no.

I'm not afraid of anything. I'm just not sharing personal information with a board full of strangers.

Author:  captain cab [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seems to me that the LA are aware there's a problem here and all they are doing is covering their backsides


Author:  Saltmarket [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
As long as you have BH and PH cabs competing for the same work you'll never ever see it. That's my point. The BH trade will happily go along to a hearing and spout all manner of unrelated crap in objection to anything they see as giving the PH trade an advantage over them. You're never going to get a united front when BH and PH is Us Vs. Them in the same way you're never going to get a united front when BH's object on congestion grounds to a site that has a 16-cab BH rank outside it.

He is fighting his corner, nothing wrong with that.

As for a club having a PH ops license, I think that is wrong, and TBH don't know why they need one if they do the job properly.

When who are doing their job properly, the club?

Author:  Brummie Cabbie [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
Saltmarket wrote:
As long as you have BH and PH cabs competing for the same work you'll never ever see it. That's my point. The BH trade will happily go along to a hearing and spout all manner of unrelated crap in objection to anything they see as giving the PH trade an advantage over them. You're never going to get a united front when BH and PH is Us Vs. Them in the same way you're never going to get a united front when BH's object on congestion grounds to a site that has a 16-cab BH rank outside it.

He is fighting his corner, nothing wrong with that.

As for a club having a PH ops license, I think that is wrong, and TBH don't know why they need one if they do the job properly.

Image Image Image Image Image

We already know what goes on inside the club. There are two guys right by the exit asking people when they are leaving if they want a 'taxi' & booking a PH for them if they say they do. Most people shun that kind of approach anyway. But with a desk they may have more success.

The council will be reminded of the DfT BPG consultation document that advises licensing enforcement officers that Magistrates have been updated about the taxi touting legislation

Author:  captain cab [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Saltmarket wrote:

I'm not afraid of anything. I'm just not sharing personal information with a board full of strangers.

Quite right too.


Author:  Sussex [ Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brummie Cabbie wrote:


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