Taxi Driver Online

Big slo limousines
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Author:  JD [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Big slo limousines

Last week I spoke to Bury Licensing about their limousine licensing policy. Don't forget this is the backyard of Brian Rolands and the National Private hire association. I asked them how they were coping with those limousine companies who wished to operate under private hire licensing but in particular I asked them about an outfit that operated under the name of big slo limousines.

I understand this is an outfit that currently operates unlicensed although they are in the process of being licensed. Bury told me they had problems in getting these vehicles MOT'd. I asked Bury to forget about the limousines for one moment and concentrate on the four door saloon vehicles this company operates. I asked them if any of these type of vehicles were licensed as private hire? Bury said no.

Well that didn't really surprise me in the least so I asked, if that is the case then why are you allowing these vehicles to operate unlicensed? The response I got was predictably blank, as per usual.

I'll be on the phone first thing in the morning trying to get answers to the pertinent questions I asked about unlicensed vehicles operating with what seems to be the acquiescence of Bury council.

When you consider the rhetoric in a certain magazine namely Taxi and Private hire monthly about the illegal operation of unlicensed vehicles, it makes you realise that talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. If PHM gives a chit about the operation of unlicensed vehicles then it really didn't have to go far to put its own rhetoric into deeds.

The moral is this, January 28th was the deadline for any company operating under the bogus element of section 75 1 B. After that date any such vehicle not licensed should not be operating under a contract of hire or reward. Bury council is not in isolation, all 343 licensing authorities have the same attitude as Bury and the DfT couldn't give a chit. That's what we are up against, if indeed you value the legality of our licensing system?



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