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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:30 pm 

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so whens the judgement due??

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:02 pm 
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RealCabforce wrote:
Sussex should perhaps refrain from comment on subjects outwith his limited sphere.

Thats you told. :wink:

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:03 pm 
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187ums wrote:
so whens the judgement due??

I believe, amid all the flak, its due in under two weeks.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:10 pm 
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RealCabforce Wrote:

You and your cohorts have no credibility in the Edinburgh Taxi trade, so for that reason I will not engage in any discussion about that subject with you on here.

Surprise, surprise is it any wonder that RealCabforce can’t answer the question, what a numpty, have a wee look round just in case you haven’t notice this forum is for debate.

What’s wrong the questions to hard for you, lets try again?

Why don’t you give us all a breakdown of your Edinburgh Taxi Trade model and how we have got it all wrong I am sure the guys who run this site would be very interested?

Just forget about me and Ali T for a minute, we won’t interfere, just explain how the Edinburgh Taxi Trade works and how it is so perfect, don’t forget the council, ITS and the PHC in your model.

I am sure everybody here is more than interested, I know I am.

Another Post Realcabforce/RealCabforceforum failed to answer.

If you are daft enough to pay a plate premium of over £40,000 when your profits are falling then you deserve everything you have got coming. Five years ago the plate value was around £20,000-£25,000 now profits are going down the PHC have more than double and yet the plate value is going up and you think people who might want their own taxi should pay this kind of money. I don’t see many of you so called owners selling your plates for the value they had 5 years ago. It must be great talking to all of your little friends and blowing about the value in your plate, and what a great investment you made buying yourself a job. The truth is Jimmy Neilson (ITS) is lining you chumps up one after another and for what, he must be [tut-tut] himself and if you jump into the financial precipice I should follow. I don’t think so.

The situation you and others find yourself in is that of your own making.

Your answer to all this is that you would like others to spend this kind of money just so you can sleep easy in your beds at night. Or at least till you have paid off your plate or until the PHC have increased in such number that there is nothing much left to debate anyway.

The truth is, this is about the debt that some have got themselves into and the need to believe they have got it right. Well here’s the bad news no one said life would be a bowl of cherries.

This comes down to two things Jimmy Neilson (ITS) hiking up the plate value and you chumps paying it.

If you want to attribute blame to anyone look in the mirror and grow up a little.

What’s wrong is it to close to the truth?

Come on RealCabforce/RealCabforceforum show us where we have got it wrong?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:20 pm 

Joined: Thu May 26, 2005 7:33 pm
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this thread is a war zone, some real heavy hitters with serious vested interests.........

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:53 pm 
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Sirius wrote:
Something wrong here, why do you continually call your colleagues chumps, pathetic little people, and all the rest of the derogatory remarks you make about anyone who disagrees with your outlook on life.

You keep saying that the "chumps" are being lined up to part with their cash to purchase a plate, but people will do so of their own volition, nobody is being forced at gunpiont to purchase a plate, it must work for them otherwise why would anyone buy one, it would work for me, it is after all, as you keep alluding too, a "free market" is it not, can I remind you that you were saying you may auction the plates you may obtain, will you be lining up the same chumps to sell them on to?

No, not because they disagree with “my outlook on life” as you say I put it that is not the case at all. There is the way that it is and the way they want it to be.

In short, I am not stopping anyone from purchasing a plate at £45,000 neither am I telling anyone not to sell their plate at auction. Nor am I stopping any one from challenging the council if that’s what they choose to do.

What I am saying is that you pay your money for good or for bad and you take your chances in life, it’s no ones responsibility or blame but yours.

I am not pointing the finger at anyone and telling them what to do or what not to do. What I have pointed out is the way that it is whether they like it or not and the reasons for my opinion. If any one knowing what they know then wants to go down the route of purchasing there own plate, then so be it.

If de-restriction comes round the corner by way of the Council or PHC then that’s the way it is.

I personally think that anyone who spends that kind of money when your profits are falling and the PHC are taking all you work is a chump and I don’t think that there is many drivers out there that would disagree.

What say’s you?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:03 pm 
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Sirius wrote:
Sussex wrote:
Spot on Mr Skull. =D>

Frustrated by a real lack of drive from Capital cabs

AM I alone in being constantly frustrated by the poor service offered by the Capital's black cabs? I have walked from Stockbridge to Waverley Station, at 4pm on a dry day, and saw only one cab on the road for hire - he wouldn't stop for me. Eventually I found the usual queue of them on the Hanover Street rank, all busily reading their newspapers.

I have been to scores of cities around the world and Edinburgh's taxi service is amongst the worst I have experienced. Perhaps if they got off their ranks and drove around they'd win more business... and that may bring a smile to their dour faces.

J Faulds Woodside Terrace, Glasgow[/quote

How is it "spot on" sussex have they never heard of the phone?

Who should pay for the diesel used whilst "driving around" in the hope of finding a J Faulds?

Anyway am I not right in thinking that Glasgow has 1428 Hackneys for a City with a population of approx 1 million whilst Edinburgh has 1260 for a city of approx half a million. ... icyrtf.doc

Yes, you are right but you failed to mention the 4,000 PHC and the fact that a number of years ago the black taxi fleet were in such a state that all the major companies had to amalgamate just to stay in business.

I might add that this was before the mobile phone and the internet had taken such a hold of business that it could change the whole landscape of the market place virtually over night.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:28 pm 
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Sirius wrote:
Yes, but to call people chumps for paying for a stake in the edinburgh taxi trade seems harsh.

Life is harsh, unfortunately this is just the way that it is, and this is a fact of life which is not of my making also.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:00 pm 
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Sirius wrote:
But as I understand it, the scottish executive are making moves to sort some of these problems out, Licensing of offices and the like.

There was also talk of a single tier once the vehicle specs under the DDA were sorted out, maybe the PH need to be limited, that was mentioned as well as I remember.

Valid points, the only problem is the Scottish Executive is not dealing with the here and now.

We are!

What happened in Glasgow took years before the advent of the internet and the mobile phone had taken such a grip.

What the Edinburgh Taxi Trade is facing now is a very steep learning curve with no time to adapt to the change. The trade representatives if that is what you can call them are still in the dark ages they have failed to look at the situation for being blinded by their plate value.

This is sink or swim for the trade, and we are not prepared to pay £45,000 to watch the ship go down. There is no tomorrow to get it right simply because the PHC will have it all sewn up and to do nothing is not an option.

What the trade is holding onto is a little time and not much else. How long before the drop in profits brings down the plate premiums is anyone’s guess but it won’t be long.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:33 pm 
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RealCabforce wrote:
Sussex should perhaps refrain from comment on subjects outwith his limited sphere.

If the 'permit' was a station permit, then I don't think £8 a week is enough to make drivers work up to 17 hours a day.

But if the 'permit' is a £45,000 vehicle permit, then surely it would be better it was a £00.00 permit, then the driver wouldn't need to work his arse off to pay for it.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:35 pm 
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187ums wrote:
so whens the judgement due??

Hopefully soon, very soon. [-o<


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:36 pm 
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187ums wrote:
this thread is a war zone, some real heavy hitters with serious vested interests.........

And me sticking my hooter in. :^o


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:30 pm 
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RealCabforce wrote:
Since the writer doesn't even mention buying a plate but only cites running costs which every cabbie has, I don't see it as either pro or anti quota.
Sussex should perhaps refrain from comment on subjects outwith his limited sphere.

Whatever the letter writer is referring to as a permit makes no difference, because if she's making the case against drivers working more hours because of inflated costs then she's making the case against restricted numbers, whether unwittingly or not.

Clearly if the driver hasn't got a plate gratis then he's either paying an inflated rental to drive a cab or he's paying to buy the plate.

Of course, no doubt she thinks she's making the case for restricted numbers, and the vast majority of readers will think likewise, but we know different. :D

Taxi Driver Online

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:07 pm 
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If a council leaves itself open to legal challenge then it only has itself to blame. I know it's hard to contemplate more licenses being issued but a council can remedy that situation by carrying out their policy in the way the law requires.

I have no doubt in my mind that Edinburgh council does not want to change its policy on numbers control. Even though Edinburgh might be forced to issue a limited number of licenses in respect of the current court action.

The uncertainty for the Edinburgh Taxi trade is that they don't know what action the council might take if the Sheriff comes down heavily in favour of the applicants who are currently pursuing licenses by way of appeal. My money is on Edinburgh retaining numbers control, whatever decision is made.

I can't see Edinburgh going down the same road as Dundee, even though it may mean they might not be able to rely on their recent survey for very long.

People have to realise that a licensing authority should not rely on the goodwill of the public in order to maintain their policy of restricting numbers if that policy is being carried out illegally.

If you want to retain numbers control, Taxi drivers in Edinburgh and any other authority for that matter should take a lesson from Edinburgh on how not to do things.

The court action can only be good for the trade because it enhances common law and it proves to both councils and the public that a certain criteria has to be followed in order to retain a policy of restriction.

People were no doubt a lot wiser after the Dundee case, I am quite sure they will be a great deal wiser after the events in Edinburgh.

Those persons wishing to retain numbers control will no doubt in the future have to remind Edinburgh council of its obligations under the law.

All anyone can ask is that the law is upheld, regardless of your position on this matter.



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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:33 pm 
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Sirius wrote:
Yes, but to call people chumps for paying for a stake in the edinburgh taxi trade seems harsh.

yes and to call people scavengers for applying for a public licence, is of course ok :lol:

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