Taxi Driver Online

Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013
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Author:  187ums [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

If you read the thread you will find that even the "un restricted" PH are struggling to make a living, I believe that in MK anyone purchasing a London style WAV is the quality control entry standard.

As pointed out by TT on a different thread, 60% of drivers are on benefits, no wonder they can afford to do Mickey Mouse prices..

Author:  gusmac [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

187ums wrote:
I believe that in MK anyone purchasing a London style WAV is the quality control entry standard.

Any age restriction?

What about drivers?

Author:  roythebus [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

I get working tax credits and don't work for mickey mouse prices. If work has been that bad and you are self-employed, you will almost certainly be making or have made a loss in past years. Make sure you carry that loss forward, it is counted against tax in any future years where you may make a profit. I personally lost quite abit on a failed venture a few years back and am unlikely to pay tax again before I retire!

As a self-employed, unregulated driver it should be YOU or your your meter who sets the price, not "the office". Face up to facts, if MK is de-regulated, then "market forces" will prevail, like it or not, and those who don't get enough work will fall by the wayside, it's an economic fact of business life. no amount of coercion will force people into taxis; no amount of regulation will either. You could probably halve the number of cabs anywhere in the UK at the moment, but there would still be the same amount of people wanting to use them.

Like some others who have posted on thsi thread, I go for quality, not quantity. why chase around all day for the £3 fares when a couple of decent £10 fares will bring you the same gross amount and let you show a profit for far less hours!

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

187ums wrote:
As pointed out by TT on a different thread, 60% of drivers are on benefits, no wonder they can afford to do Mickey Mouse prices..

come on, lets be honest, seeing as most HC/PH take 80% (or more) of takings in cash they arent declaring their true figures for a)tax and b)tax credits or housing benefits, we all know it but most find it distasteful to admit it, take £700, declare £400, take off costs and claim....

there, ive said it.....

Author:  roythebus [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

I'd like to take £400 most weeks!

Author:  trotskys twin [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

[quote="roythebus"]I get working tax credits and don't work for mickey mouse prices. If work has been that bad and you are self-employed, you will almost certainly be making or have made a loss in past years. Make sure you carry that loss forward, it is counted against tax in any future years where you may make a profit. I personally lost quite abit on a failed venture a few years back and am unlikely to pay tax again before I retire!

As a self-employed, unregulated driver it should be YOU or your your meter who sets the price, not "the office". Face up to facts, if MK is de-regulated, then "market forces" will prevail, like it or not, and those who don't get enough work will fall by the wayside, it's an economic fact of business life. no amount of coercion will force people into taxis; no amount of regulation will either. You could probably halve the number of cabs anywhere in the UK at the moment, but there would still be the same amount of people wanting to use them.

Like some others who have posted on thsi thread, I go for quality, not quantity. why chase around all day for the £3 fares when a couple of decent £10 fares will bring you the same gross amount and let you show a profit for far less hours![/quote

Much sense there from an active Driver, me I dont reckon Market forces is acceptable for Public Transport it leads to poor maintenance dangerously long hours no holidays and immense stress completely unacceptable to me.

As for MK lets put it politely when they new what was coming and were offered advice and assistance they declined, what they are suffering now was concisely predicted! its a shame what their suffering, but entirely down to their lack of foresight :cry: Lets hope others dont repeat their mistakes =D>

Author:  trotskys twin [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

grandad wrote:
187ums wrote:
If we stick to the thread - de regulation doesn't work, mr Sussex I hope you and your chums are taking notice.

All it does is lead to lower quality of life for everyone involved.

No, what doesn't work is sitting on a rank all day saying "there is nothing I can do". I have done something about it in my area and the people that drive my cars are earning good money. They pay me next to nothing to use my cars and keep all their takings. They are activly encouraged to get their own customers. One driver has seen his take home go from around £180 for an 80 hour week to as much as £800 for a 55 hour week. We are in a de-restricted area so don't tell me that it doesn't work.

Thats great grandad but will it last? how long before the cut price spivs arrive and steal your customers [which I hope does not occur ]

Author:  trotskys twin [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

wannabeeahack wrote:
187ums wrote:
As pointed out by TT on a different thread, 60% of drivers are on benefits, no wonder they can afford to do Mickey Mouse prices..

come on, lets be honest, seeing as most HC/PH take 80% (or more) of takings in cash they arent declaring their true figures for a)tax and b)tax credits or housing benefits, we all know it but most find it distasteful to admit it, take £700, declare £400, take off costs and claim....

there, ive said it.....

Why is it distasteful Wanna Amazon the Von Windsors parasites Starbucks Nat WEST MPs Lords Footballers all avoid tax so why not you ?? for sure they get eff all out of moi! when the system is straight and fair by all means be honest :D and with the FILTHY RICH being given tax CUTS feck off you should all avoid it ie TAX =D> =D>

Author:  trotskys twin [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

Sussex wrote:
187ums wrote:
If we stick to the thread - de regulation doesn't work, mr Sussex I hope you and your chums are taking notice.

All it does is lead to lower quality of life for everyone involved.

Can't work out how anyone can earn a living in the 100% de-restricted PH market then.

Look the reason it's so sh** in de-restricted areas, like where Mr skyline works, and so sh** in restricted areas, like where Mr hamidtaxi works, is because in the main it's pretty sh** all over.

People have stopped using taxis because they are pot-less, the restricted/de-restricted issue has nothing to do with it.

THATS COMPLETE BOLLOCKS :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Author:  grandad [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

trotskys twin wrote:
grandad wrote:
187ums wrote:
If we stick to the thread - de regulation doesn't work, mr Sussex I hope you and your chums are taking notice.

All it does is lead to lower quality of life for everyone involved.

No, what doesn't work is sitting on a rank all day saying "there is nothing I can do". I have done something about it in my area and the people that drive my cars are earning good money. They pay me next to nothing to use my cars and keep all their takings. They are activly encouraged to get their own customers. One driver has seen his take home go from around £180 for an 80 hour week to as much as £800 for a 55 hour week. We are in a de-restricted area so don't tell me that it doesn't work.

Thats great grandad but will it last? how long before the cut price spivs arrive and steal your customers [which I hope does not occur ]

We don't actually have any cut price spivs here. The problem, if you can call it a problem, is that a lot of the one man bands here charge more than the metered fare. We always use the meter and people comment on how cheap we are. Go figure. :?

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

trotskys twin wrote:
Sussex wrote:
187ums wrote:
If we stick to the thread - de regulation doesn't work, mr Sussex I hope you and your chums are taking notice.

All it does is lead to lower quality of life for everyone involved.

Can't work out how anyone can earn a living in the 100% de-restricted PH market then.

Look the reason it's so sh** in de-restricted areas, like where Mr skyline works, and so sh** in restricted areas, like where Mr hamidtaxi works, is because in the main it's pretty sh** all over.

People have stopped using taxis because they are pot-less, the restricted/de-restricted issue has nothing to do with it.

THATS COMPLETE BOLLOCKS :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:

should be right up your street then

when did YOU last take a cab TT?

Author:  toots [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

This situation is brought about by operator companies taking between £80 - £120 pw for radios because they promise drivers x amount of earnings because they have x amount of jobs coming in, the reason they have x amount of jobs coming in is because they charge sh** poor rates. What they don't tell their drivers is they will continue to take on drivers to improve their own income but that won't necessarily increase the number of jobs coming in, nor will they care. Simples :wink:

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

toots wrote:
This situation is brought about by operator companies taking between £80 - £120 pw for radios because they promise drivers x amount of earnings because they have x amount of jobs coming in, the reason they have x amount of jobs coming in is because they charge sh** poor rates. What they don't tell their drivers is they will continue to take on drivers to improve their own income but that won't necessarily increase the number of jobs coming in, nor will they care. Simples :wink:

"Base Bullshit" we called it

The question is why so many dont ask where the promised jobs are once they realise they arent making enough to live on

Author:  roythebus [ Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

Gosh, more common sense and truth in the last 2 posts. What is this forum coming to??? :shock:

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Milton keynes Hackney carriage income 2013

roythebus wrote:
Gosh, more common sense and truth in the last 2 posts. What is this forum coming to??? :shock:

yes but folk always have to find out for themselves, then you get the base hoppers, trying out each circuit in town (we only had three (and 1 was pointless), then they go back......then back......yoyo.....

AND many will get in a cab and ask "busy?" and the driver says "no, its rubbish" and they guy thinks the drivers lying!....buys a car, plates/insures it, gets his crb+badge then finds out......its rubbish

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