Taxi Driver Online

Is the BTEC/NVQ scam running out of money?
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Author:  grandad [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

toots wrote:
You'll probably get a load of people saying something along the lines of 'taxi drivers are robbing ba$tards' :roll:

Sadly round my way a lot of them are. I always use the meter for jobs within the borough and I loose count of the number of passengers who tell me that I am far cheaper than certain others.

Author:  cabby john [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:24 am ]
Post subject: 

grandad wrote:
toots wrote:
You'll probably get a load of people saying something along the lines of 'taxi drivers are robbing ba$tards' :roll:

Sadly round my way a lot of them are. I always use the meter for jobs within the borough and I loose count of the number of passengers who tell me that I am far cheaper than certain others.

That applies very much the same to me, But!

All drivers do whatever course is in place regardless of their ethinic background. If drivers can't do the course they will either have to brush up so they can or find an alternative job. Taxi driving shouldn't just be about the quality of the vehicles it should be about the quality of the driver too.

All well and good but the Councils/L.As should show some respect by putting out a course that is not condescending and has true meaning. From a personal point of view I do not need a lesson on good manners,how to add up and takeaway, and how to speak to someone in my own language, however my Swahili does need brushing up. :roll:

Author:  toots [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:38 am ]
Post subject: 

the Councils/L.As should show some respect by putting out a course that is not condescending

The councils didn't create this course the educationalists did and the taxi trade as usual let them. The trade should have seen it coming the unions certainly did they encouraged it IMO. The trade should get their act together and come up with something worthwhile and put it to the LSC or City & Guilds for qualification.

I do not need a lesson on good manners

Most people don't unfortunately some do, so, the minority influence the majority yet again it can't be avoided. Same sort thing as the WAV's a minority need them so the majority have to have them :?

Most drivers know how to read a tariff card or press the button on their meters, but, yet again a minority don't or won't so the majority are tarred with the same brush. It is not going to end until the trade stops being the dumping ground for the unemployable and the only way to do that is to raise the standards of the drivers, that is my opinion anyway :D

Author:  cabby john [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

It is not going to end until the trade stops being the dumping ground for the unemployable and the only way to do that is to raise the standards of the drivers, that is my opinion anyway

You are right about raising the standards!Aside from Tesco/Asda etc what other trade/job puts a course out there that is to do with basic adding up and taking away, and how to speak to people!

This is so basic that they the L.As could assertain those points at an interview. I ran pubs for 27 years and employed countless people over that period of time, when people rang up for a job I used to ask them to come down for a chat . During that chat which could take 5/15mins I could see how that person conducted/dressed themselves and it was not often that I was wrong.

I was not trained to profile people but I did it in that job and I also do so in this one, I am sure that many of us do to see as to whether passengers are ok or not - a chat is not much different and you can gleen an awful lot by doing just that.

The bottom line is that the L.As are being lazy B******s and costing some of us time (60/70 hours) and our hard earned money.

Author:  toots [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

The bottom line is that the L.As are being lazy B******s and costing some of us time (60/70 hours) and our hard earned money.

60/70 hours for what exactly :?

The LA's maybe are being lazy but I'm not sure in what respect. They do now have something to say they have at least tried to ensure the driver knows what he's doing when something goes wrong. Due diligence I think is what it's called. When it comes to the LA you have to think outside the box :wink:

Author:  GA [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
grandad wrote:
I take it that you are not in favour of these courses and qualifications.

Great fan of higher standards for drivers, but these courses are a waste of money and a waste of time.

Which is why many councils just love them. ](*,)

How would you instill higher standards?
How would you recognise the fact that a driver is capable of attaining such standards?
How would you look to professionalise the trade?

The taxi industry should have been involved in this years ago.

The taxi industry does what it always does .................. with heads burried in the sand and then moaning when stuff gets forced onto them.

and there is Sussex ........................ who is as guilty of the parasites profitting from the trade as everyone else.

You have only got yoursleves to blame.

B. Lucky :D

Author:  toots [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

GA wrote:
Sussex wrote:
grandad wrote:
I take it that you are not in favour of these courses and qualifications.

Great fan of higher standards for drivers, but these courses are a waste of money and a waste of time.

Which is why many councils just love them. ](*,)

How would you instill higher standards?
How would you recognise the fact that a driver is capable of attaining such standards?
How would you look to professionalise the trade?

The taxi industry should have been involved in this years ago.

The taxi industry does what it always does .................. with heads burried in the sand and then moaning when stuff gets forced onto them.

and there is Sussex ........................ who is as guilty of the parasites profitting from the trade as everyone else.

You have only got yoursleves to blame.

B. Lucky :D

You're wasting your time GA. Taxi drivers are special case. They should be exempt from having to do what every other trade in the country has to do and has had to do for years.

Myself personally think it's all a little too simple and easy to make a difference to driver standards. Having said that if it was anymore difficult the trade would complain about that so it would appear that we're all in a no win situation

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