Taxi Driver Online

Driver gets jailed for taking drugs package.
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Author:  Sussex [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Driver gets jailed for taking drugs package.

Heroin courier taxi driver jailed

A taxi driver who admitted carrying £200,000 worth of heroin to Scotland has been jailed for 32 months. John Arnold, 45, of George Street, Whitefield, Manchester, was driving north on the A74(M) when police stopped him for routine checks near Lockerbie.

Officers noticed he was nervous and carried out a drugs search of his taxi where they found four packs of heroin. At the High Court in Edinburgh, Judge Lord Brailsford described it as an "act of gross folly and stupidity".

The court heard how police officers stopped him on the motorway in the south of Scotland in August last year. They noticed Arnold appeared nervous and was vague and evasive when he spoke to them.

It is clear he has disappointed many people by his appearance here today
Frances Connor, defending They also spotted a carrier bag sticking out from beneath the front passenger seat and detained him for a drugs search.

Police officers found four packages wrapped in brown paper each containing a half kilogramme of heroin. The haul was worth a maximum of £200,000 if broken down into street deals.

Arnold told police he was being paid £300 to bring the package north from his home city. He admitted being concerned in the supply of the Class A drug on 21 August last year. Arnold had previously been granted bail to allow him to have a knee operation.

Judge Lord Brailsford said he now had no choice but to jail him. He said: "I am prepared to accept that this offence is out of character. "I have no alternative but to impose a custodial sentence."

The judge said he would have jailed him for four years, but the sentence would be reduced following his guilty plea. Defence counsel Frances Connor said Arnold ran an amateur football team and through that contributed to youth training in his local area.

She said: "It is clear he has disappointed many people by his appearance here today." Ms Connor said that for several months Arnold had been transporting a man on local journeys who came to be a valued customer.

He was asked by the man to run him to Glasgow where he had "some business" and was offered cash payment for the trip. However, when Arnold went to pick up the passenger he was told he could not go and would like him to take a package to Glasgow. The defence counsel said: "He knew something was wrong.

"He had a strong suspicion about what he was being asked to do."

Author:  toots [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

"act of gross folly and stupidity".

that's putting it mildly isn't it :roll: Don't suppose it'll affect his badge by any chance :?

Author:  Sussex [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

toots wrote:
"act of gross folly and stupidity".

that's putting it mildly isn't it :roll: Don't suppose it'll affect his badge by any chance :?

I think he might struggle to renew it from inside. :-s

Author:  toots [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
toots wrote:
"act of gross folly and stupidity".

that's putting it mildly isn't it :roll: Don't suppose it'll affect his badge by any chance :?

I think he might struggle to renew it from inside. :-s

don't be funny I mean when he gets back out?

Author:  Sussex [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

toots wrote:
Sussex wrote:
toots wrote:
"act of gross folly and stupidity".

that's putting it mildly isn't it :roll: Don't suppose it'll affect his badge by any chance :?

I think he might struggle to renew it from inside. :-s

don't be funny I mean when he gets back out?

Who knows, but I suspect it will be years before he is eligible to apply.

Author:  toots [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh right. I just wondered cos they don't seem to be that fussy lately

Author:  Sussex [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

toots wrote:
Oh right. I just wondered cos they don't seem to be that fussy lately

Expect to see him driving a hummer. :roll: :roll:

Author:  Nigel [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Driver gets jailed for taking drugs package.

Sussex wrote:
Heroin courier taxi driver jailed

"He had a strong suspicion about what he was being asked to do."

Why the hell did he take the package in the first place then?? If he was not sure he should have told the customer "NO". He'll be right on the inside, 3 meals a day, his own cell, TV, playstation etc etc.

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

lets see, how many times as a courier did i know what was in boxes or pallets?


if i book a taxi to take a sealed parcel i dont expect to declare the contents or have the driver look inside

as for "paying the driver cash", well i didnt know that was dodgy!

Author:  toots [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject: 

You should ask what is in the parcel and obtain paperwork for it. Ignorance is no form of defence

Author:  Sussex [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Not sure if it happened here, but if a punter wants you to take a parcel 100s of miles and doesn't query the price, then that should set alarm bells ringing.

But as this mush admitted the charge, then he knew full well what was in the package. :?

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:57 am ]
Post subject: 

toots wrote:
You should ask what is in the parcel and obtain paperwork for it. Ignorance is no form of defence

well when i was a businesspost subbie with 80 drops a day and 200 boxes that would be a tad impossible

if i send a sealed package i expect it arrive sealed

"ok mate, whats in the package?"

"£200,000 of cocaine mate"

like anyones gonna tell you?...

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Sussex wrote:
Not sure if it happened here, but if a punter wants you to take a parcel 100s of miles and doesn't query the price, then that should set alarm bells ringing.


i took a jiffy bag from perth to coventry once, what was in it was nothing to do with me, and i got paid

the guy at coventry opened it and it was his passport

Author:  wannabeeahack [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:00 am ]
Post subject: 

You lot wouldnt make very good

the one time you will probably see full paperwork is for a Customs manifest/CMR note.

Author:  toots [ Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

wannabeeahack wrote:
toots wrote:
You should ask what is in the parcel and obtain paperwork for it. Ignorance is no form of defence

well when i was a businesspost subbie with 80 drops a day and 200 boxes that would be a tad impossible

if i send a sealed package i expect it arrive sealed

"ok mate, whats in the package?"

"£200,000 of cocaine mate"

like anyones gonna tell you?...

When we had the factory everything was sealed but we still had a description of the goods inside on a label on the outside. It was common practice as far as I was aware. Once you've asked whats in a package and got them to sign for it that's you're responsibility over except for delivery of it.

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