Taxi Driver Online

Freenown 'experts' says electronic payments safer than cash
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Author:  StuartW [ Mon May 13, 2024 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Freenown 'experts' says electronic payments safer than cash

Good job we have these 'experts' (aka johnny-come-latelies) letting us know that card payments are safer than cash, and that it means you can't be robbed of the, er, cash :-s

But spot the clanger in the opening paragraph. And the irritating uses of the capitalised FREENOW. Which is more of a logo than how it should be written in text like this [-(

But, as usual, this seems more a Freenow sales and recruitment pitch than anything else...

Cashless taxi services are ‘safer’ as they track passengers details - no more cash ... xi-uk-cash

Experts at FREENOW have praised cashless taxi services as more firms ditch traditional money to go digital

Cashless taxi services which force drivers to pay using mobile phone apps ahead of journeys are “safer” for passengers and drivers, according to a leading expert.

Mariusz Zabrocki, General Manager at FREENOW UK, one of the leading online private hire vehicle companies in the UK, claimed firms opting for cashless equipment instead of taking physical money would prevent crime as “everything is tracked”.

Passengers will share details with taxi companies to make a purchase which can be flagged in the event of any issues.

It means potentially abusive passengers cannot slip through the net after providing no details and just paying with cash.

FREENOW claims the extra safety offered to drivers is a major benefit of cashless systems despite concerns as more cash services are phased out.

Speaking to, Mariusz said: “It provides safety for passengers and drivers because obviously carrying large amounts of cash by drivers is a big risk.

“Drivers are often robbed so it's quite important we move towards cashless options but obviously without drivers paying two commissions because that would obviously reduce their earnings.”

He added: “When you do everything through the app everything is tracked. If something goes wrong, for example, a customer abusing a driver, it’s so much easier to track everything than when you have cash.

“Safety is often discussed in the context of passengers but what is often missed is drivers face safety issues way more often than passengers and I think it's a really important topic.”

Although safer, FREENOW is hoping to tackle concerns among drivers in the taxi trade around commission charges.

Commission charges can range from between 1.5 and three percent taking revenue away from drivers seconds after a job has been completed.

Data from ECD Technologies revealed taxi staff could lose hundreds of pounds every year if motorists paid by card instead of cash.

If a 1.75 percent commission fees are issued, ECD Technologies determines drivers earning £30,000 could lose up to £362 per annum if customers paid by card.

Mariusz explained paying through an app instead of using debit cards was a simple workaround the industry had to embrace.

He explained: “We used to have an option where customers could order with our app and then pay with cards in the cab but we removed that option.

“We removed it also because drivers complained about it because they were then paying commission twice.

“They were paying commission to the card machine providers, so we recognised that issue and thought the payments should happen through the app.”

Author:  StuartW [ Mon May 13, 2024 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freenown 'experts' says electronic payments safer than c

You mean sign up to Freenow and avoid card commission charges? :?

If a 1.75 percent commission fees are issued, ECD Technologies determines drivers earning £30,000 could lose up to £362 per annum if customers paid by card.

Wondered where this figure comes from - I made it over £500.

But, to be fair, it's all explained in an earlier linked article - can't be bothered crunching the numbers, but it seems the £362 figure is after tax relief - the gross profit in your accounts will be declared net of card charges, or maybe the charges will be shown further down your accounts. But, however it's disclosed, your taxable bottom line profit figure will be net of card charges. ... ssion-fees

Author:  edders23 [ Mon May 13, 2024 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freenown 'experts' says electronic payments safer than c

at the end of the day someone is making money on the transaction no matter how it's done.

Author:  Sussex [ Mon May 13, 2024 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freenown 'experts' says electronic payments safer than c

It means potentially abusive passengers cannot slip through the net after providing no details and just paying with cash.

It doesn't stop them being abusive. [-(

Author:  Sussex [ Mon May 13, 2024 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freenown 'experts' says electronic payments safer than c

If a 1.75 percent commission fees are issued, ECD Technologies determines drivers earning £30,000 could lose up to £362 per annum if customers paid by card.

If I took £30,000 on the card, then would mean I also took £30,000 in cash and about £20,000 in account work.

Bring it on. [-o<

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