Taxi Driver Online

Navigator Lite (Totally free booking and despatch software)
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Author:  Stewart [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

God knows who guesf pointed that last remark at.
Speak english man.

If You were saying glad I think Navigator is good then yes of course I do. We developed it.

And yes still visiting rubbish dumps after all these years.
We do supply comms and logistics to over 2000 waste vehicles.
I have been a member of the Institute of Waste Management (IWM) for over 10 years now.

Why would we sack developers..? We are continually adding features to the product on a weekly basis. Ask anyone who has upgraded to it lately.

No sacking of developers here, we are always recruiting in that particular area.

Aren't we Bungle? :oops:

Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Bloody Dustmen. They are the peeps who block all our roads on a Wednesday, so we cant get around town.

But guess what? I have found a section on Navigator where we can program in extra time allowances specially for when the dustmen are about, so we dont run late anymore.

Cool eh?

(Nb. The initial euporia hasn't worn off yet).

Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:23 am ]
Post subject: 

OOps. Didn'tt log in. That last was me Andy 7. Just in case anyone thought I was a stooge. (And I meant euphoria).

Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Stewart wrote:
God knows who guesf pointed that last remark at.
Speak english man.

If You were saying glad I think Navigator is good then yes of course I do. We developed it.

And yes still visiting rubbish dumps after all these years.
We do supply comms and logistics to over 2000 waste vehicles.
I have been a member of the Institute of Waste Management (IWM) for over 10 years now.

Why would we sack developers..? We are continually adding features to the product on a weekly basis. Ask anyone who has upgraded to it lately.

No sacking of developers here, we are always recruiting in that particular area.

Aren't we Bungle? :oops:

yes Stewart, knew of your connection, with waste, and yes I am an institute member as well, been a director of a waste firm, and presented papers at the Torquay conferences

but never seen you there!

Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Gosh. Enough for a new string here on "waste products"

We could discuss the new End of Life VEhicle Regulations.

Author:  Stewart [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

How very interesting.
We used to Exhibit at Torquay most years.

The waste comms company is called Ace communications.

Which depot did you used to manage.?

Chances are we probably supplied radios to your vehicles.

Did you ever know Percy Powell ?

You should PM me as we have an exciting new project very similar to Lite in the pipeline for waste vehicles. It would be nice to get some professional input from someone experiened like yourself.


Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Stewart wrote:
How very interesting.
We used to Exhibit at Torquay most years.

The waste comms company is called Ace communications.

Which depot did you used to manage.?

Chances are we probably supplied radios to your vehicles.

Did you ever know Percy Powell ?

You should PM me as we have an exciting new project very similar to Lite in the pipeline for waste vehicles. It would be nice to get some professional input from someone experiened like yourself.


didnt manage depots but schemes.

set up the biggest landfill project in europe, a 1 bn scheme at Welbeck near Wakefield.

that was where greater Manchester waste went.

dunno what went on in the vehicles that was somebody elses pidgeon.

Author:  Ivor [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've got something for you Jeffrey!


Author:  Sussex [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Ivor posting

Christ Ivor,wondered what uncle suss,looked like,as family cut up all his
pictures,you have now made a nephew very happy,and bewildered.

Luv you Uncle Suss,from nephew AKA DOOOOOOBLO MAN.

Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anonymous wrote:
yes Stewart, knew of your connection, with waste, and yes I am an institute member as well, been a director of a waste firm, and presented papers at the Torquay conferences

that must have been the waste paper :D

Author:  Guest [ Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

bloody useless to me ivor, the wife wont let me use premiunm phone lines.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Le Shark [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Is this a taxi forum or just some where for those who have fallen out to have a pot shot at each other. ( you know who I mean ). cheap remarks dont put anyone in a good light.

Author:  Stewart [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:12 am ]
Post subject: 

That's Priceless Ivor

Author:  Andy7 [ Sat Feb 28, 2004 10:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Progress Report.

I am now a week into Navigator Lite.

Setting up the street plots. Well, we are a small town, but it took me about two days to understand how to do it and successfully set up all our local plots/zones. Score: 9 out of 10. The only thing I could think of to make it easier, would be having an actual Map on screen, with a cut and paste facility. Setting up the plots is a fundamentally easy task in Navigator. Couldn't fault it. Compared to another system I once played with it took about a tenth of the time.

Setting up the driver and vehicle database - simple. I actually gave that job to one of the controllers to do. Took him about a day, in between his normal shift duties. Probably therefore, about three or four hours actual work.

Adding all the pubs, clubs, shops, factories, stations and the like. Quite a big job. Not yet completed, but simplicity itself. We are using the easy system, which just requires that you asociate the new place with a street position. So easy, we have given up doing this in the back office and will let the controllers do it as the new job comes in.

Pricing. Most of our fares are pre-set zone to zone pricing. Setting the the local fares into the system took about two hours. (And they nearly all worked first time! Bloody amazing!!!)

The initial problem I mentioned above with the street database was sussed out by Stewart very quickly, and was sorted by Jason with an entirely new Dbase within just a couple of days.

Problems? Yup, a couple of problems, but I am sorting these as I read through the manuals.

Footnote. What I am talking about here is the totally FREE Navigator Lite. So far, I have not paid a penny for the software or the support. All we have paid for, is a substantial street database which we wanted in order to make the thing perform like a £4,000 software package. And it is.

Another report next week. Who knows, I might be able to find something wrong with it.

PS. Still haven't been able to make it crash. But watch this space, as next week I will sit some of our "less gifted" drivers on it. :lol:

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